Mandatory MFA Requirement for Access to Azure Sites and Tools

Microsoft’s project to impose a mandatory MFA requirement for access to Azure management tools and sites will start enforcement on or after October 15, 2024. The new requirement will only affect administrator accounts who access Azure sites and tools (like PowerShell). Normal users shouldn’t notice any difference. The Azure MFA requirement is a great way to drive home the need for MFA to protect Microsoft 365 administrator accounts against attack. Prepare now!

Microsoft Copilot to Get Enterprise Data Protection

The August 15 announcement that Microsoft Copilot (the version that doesn’t use the Graph) will benefit from enterprise data protection from September is good new. However, Microsoft said nothing about the security issues around Copilot for Microsoft 365 reported at the recent BlackHat USA 2024 conference. In other news, tenants can pin Microsoft Copilot to app navigation bars using a new control in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Switching Microsoft 365 Data Report Privacy On and Off

The Usage Reports Graph API is now generally available, which means that it’s fully supported. In other news, a Graph API is available for Microsoft 365 Backup, The news demonstrates once again how widely the Graph APIs are used with Microsoft 365 and why tenant administrators should acquire some knowledge about how the Graph works.

Handling the Too Many Retries Error and Dealing with Odd Numbers of Audit Events

The AuditLog Query Graph API remains in beta status but cmdlets are now available in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. This led to some oddities in results when the number of audit events found by a search didn’t match those reported by the Purview compliance portal. It all worked out in the end. In other news, the Set-MgRequestContext helped sort out some retry problems.

Comparing Microsoft Cloud Email Services

HVE and ECS are two competing Microsoft Cloud Email Services. At least, they seem to compete. In reality, HVE and ECS serve different target audiences. HVE is all about internal email services for apps and devices while ECS is for high volume external mailings like customer newsletters. We tested both services by sending subscription reminder notifications to Office 365 for IT Pros readers.

Handling Online Teams Meetings Organized by Ex-Employees

When someone leaves a Microsoft 365 organization, the possibility exists that they leave some active Teams online meetings dangling behind them. What can be done to take over these meetings and make someone else the meeting organizer? The answer is simple: nothing. Organizing a replacement meeting is one way out, but maybe it’s best to use a dedicated account to organize important company events.

Microsoft 365 Admin Center to Take Over License Assignments

Microsoft is removing license assignments from the Entra admin center. From Sept 1, new license assignments are done in the Microsoft 365 admin center. In other news, a new Self-service trials and purchases page is coming to the Microsoft 365 admin center to control the ability of users to purchase self-service licenses or use trial licenses.

How to List Details of 官方幸运168飞开艇下载官网结果 Teams Apps

A question asked about filtering Teams apps based on their blocked status. The Teams admin center doesn’t support this kind of filter and getting details of Teams apps is surprisingly difficult. For instance, you can’t get a list of the 2,500+ apps shown in the Teams admin center. PowerShell cmdlets are available to list Teams apps, but they focus on apps known to a tenant rather than the entire catalog.

Dealing with Teams Chat Messages When People Leave

Tenant administrators know that they need to deal with mailboxes and OneDrive accounts when people leave, but what about Teams chat messages? Or rather, the information stored in the compliance records captured in Exchange Online mailboxes? Reviewing chat messages can be an ardous task, so perhaps the solution might be to export the compliance records to a PST for long-term retention.

Teams Tightens Access Controls for Meeting Recordings and Transcripts

Teams meeting transcripts are enormously helpful and are used by many features, including Copilot for Microsoft 365. Access to transcript files needs good control because of the possibility of confidential information being captured in transcripts. Several recent changes made to the Teams meeting policy and meeting options help organizations to exert better control over access to transcript files.

Microsoft Quashes Bad Habit of Sending Passwords in Email

MC837081 announces that the Microsoft 365 admin center is to lose its ability to send password in email after updating a user account. It’s the right thing to do because sending passwords in email is bad practice and encourages people to treat passwords with less respect than they should. The long term solution is to move away from passwords, but it will take time before Microsoft 365 is passwordless.

Microsoft Cloud Revenues Keep on Growing

The Microsoft FY24 Q4 results delivered solid growth in Microsoft Cloud revenues. No new numbers were given for Office 365 or Teams users, possibly because of a slowdown in new user acquisition. We learned that Teams Premium now has more than 3 million users and that Copilot for Microsoft 365 is being used by more customers than ever before, but without real numbers it’s hard to say just how well things are going.

Office 365 for IT Pros August 2024 Update

The first update for Office 365 for IT Pros (2025 edition) or monthly update #110 is now available for subscribers to download. The update covers both the Office 365 for IT Pros and Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell books. Many of the changes in this update are small but we do have some new information to share in some chapters.

Teams App-Centric Management (ACM)

Teams ACM replaces app permission policies with an easier method of defining who can use Teams apps. A wizard in the Teams admin center runs a one-time non-reversable switchover from app permission policies to ACM and makes sure that the permissions assigned through policy are present for each app. In other news, Teams is much better at presenting Graph permissions that apps need to run.

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Microsoft plans to archive unlicensed OneDrive sites starting in January 2025. The obsolete sites will end up in Microsoft 365 archive, from where the sites can be reactivated for a small per-gigabyte fee. Archived sites are indexed and discoverable. However, the message is clear: remove unlicensed OneDrive sites now. They’re only cluttering up your digital landscape and might give Copilot for Microsoft 365 a headache.

The Maddening Side of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

All software has unique quirks, and the foibles of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK are well known. But it’s much harder when the underlying foundation contributes to the craziness as described in this article. Graph pagination works in a specific way and Microsoft tunes the Graph to deliver great performance by reducing the set of properties returned for objects. Both can cause concern for developers.

Stream Moves to Intelligent Versioning

In a change designed to reduce the consumption of storage quota, Stream video versions are no longer being generated for non-video updates such as changes to video metadata. Anything that alters the video content, like trimming some seconds from the start or end of a video, will create a new version. It seems like a perfectly reasonable change to make that might help SharePoint storage not be consumed quite so quickly.

Adding Cost Center Reporting to the Microsoft 365 Licensing Report

Microsoft 365 LIcensing Report

The Microsoft 365 licensing report now supports a cost center analysis based on cost center values stored in an Exchange custom attribute. The new analysis is entirely optional, but it seems like many tenants store cost center values in custom attributes, so this update might work well for them. That is, if the cost center data stored in Exchange is accurate… Rubbish in always means rubbish out…

Comparing Shared and Inactive Mailboxes for Retaining Ex-Employee Content

Every Microsoft 365 tenant must deal with ex-employee mailboxes. The default choice is to make the mailboxes into shared mailboxes. But inactive mailboxes could be a better option to deal with the requirements to preserve user privacy and avoid inadvertent disclosure of PII to people who don’t need that information. Perhaps it’s time to reassess how your organization deals with ex-employee mailboxes?

Self-Service Purchase Notifications for Tenant Administrators

I dislike the Microsoft 365 self-service purchase mechanism and disable it in any tenant where I can. Global and Billing administrators for tenants that allow self-service purchases will soon receive notifications when self-service purchases occur to allow them to take action to allow, cancel, or change the purchased subscription. Or they can do what I do and avoid the problem in the first place by prohibiting self-service purchases.

Exchange Online Previews Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC

On July 17, Microsoft announced the public preview of inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for Exchange Online, a welcome step forward to improve messaging security. A previous attempt to launch the preview foundered because Microsoft wanted to insist on Microsoft 365 E5 licenses for the feature. Mature reflection prevailed and inbound DANE with DNSSEC is available to all, which is how it should be.

Team Owners Can Rename 168飞X艇官方历史开奖记录 the General Channel

In what seems to be a small change, team owners can rename general channels (naturally with ‘meaningful names.’ The change is more important than it seems because it’s associated with an effort to make users think about using channels as the basis for collaboration instead of always creating a new team. Being able to rename the General channel might make the channel more useful. After all, it’s just a regular channel.

Monitoring Updates to Sensitivity Label Policies and Labels

A reader wanted to know why the Purview Compliance portal doesn’t show who last updated sensitivity label policies. The reason why is unclear, but what’s for sure is that Purview doesn’t record the data anywhere. But PowerShell and the audit log soon reveal who last made changes to labels and policies. It’s yet another example of how PowerShell fills gaps Microsoft leaves behind.

Upgrading the Teams and Groups Activity Report to 6.0

The Teams and Groups activity report is a popular script that helps administrators identify inactive teams and groups within a Microsoft 365 tenant. The script code has been developed over the years. The last version converted to Graph API requests to improve performance. This time, the upgrade is to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to make the code easier to maintain.

Outlook Mobile Continues to Set the Standard for Microsoft 365 Email Mobility

It’s common to be asked which is the best mobile email client for Exchange Online. My view is that Outlook Mobile is the only client to use (if possible). I know that this opinion is unpopular with devotees of clients like the Apple iOS mail client, but the simple facts are that Outlook mobile is more functional and better integrated into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. That’s the defining factor for many.

The Right Way to Replace the Remove-SPOExternalUser Cmdlet

Microsoft says they will remove the Remove-SPOExternalUser cmdlet starting July 29. They recommend using Remove-AzureADUser as a replacement. It’s a bad call because that cmdlet is part of a now-retired and soon to be deprecated module. Overall, recommendations like this make you think that Microsoft doesn’t know what’s happening across the whole of Microsoft 365. And you might be right.

Office Connectors Retirement for Teams

In June, Microsoft retired Office Connectors for SharePoint Online and Microsoft 365 Groups. Starting on August 15, they’re retiring connectors for Teams. The problem is finding out which teams and channels have configured connectors. That’s when PowerShell comes in handy, as we prove with a script to report which teams have connectors.

Configuring Outlook DLP Policy Pop-Ups for Sensitive Content

A cloud policy setting enables a delay for evaluating message content and allows Outlook DLP Policy Tips to be displayed after detection of a policy violation. The setting works by pausing message sends until Outlook has had time to check the content for DLP policy violations Pop-up messages inform users about the pause and the result of the check.

Outlook Mobile 幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播现场看开奖结果 Introduces Synchronization Window

A new Outlook Mobile synchronization setting allows users to select a window of between 1 and 90 days to download copies of email and attachments. The new setting allows organizations who worry about corporate data being on mobile devices to limit exposure to one day while enabling people who like having their entire mailbox on their device get closer to that point. Everyone wins.

New Policy to Disable Some In-Product Messages in Teams

In a welcome update, the Teams development group have provided a new policy setting to control the display of some in-product messages in Teams clients. The policy can only be updated with PowerShell. Some other Microsoft 365 development groups need to follow Teams and offer paying customers a way to suppress the annoying in-product ads.

All SharePoint Online Sharing Links Now Support Expiration Dates

A very useful update to support sharing links expiration for all link types used by SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business is now rolling out and should be available in all Microsoft 365 tenants soon. Until now, expiration dates were only available for anyone links. Many organizations don’t allow anyone links, so enabling the feature for company-wide and specific people links will be much appreciated.

Teams to Begin Automatically Hiding Inactive Channels

From mid-July 2024, Teams will begin hiding inactive channels for users. The inactive channels can be unhidden, and users can opt out of the automatic process. The new clean up routine can be invoked whenever users want and if a mistake is made, it’s easy to unhide a channel. Given the number of channels in use, it’s likely that a few in everyone’s channel list are inactive and deserve to be hidden.

Using Company-wide Sharing Links with Copilot for Microsoft 365

Some folks wonder why they can’t use documents shared with them using company-wide links with Copilot for Microsoft 365. As it turns out, the answer is simple. People must redeem a sharing link before SharePoint validates their access to a shared file. Copilot cannot use a document unless it has access to it. All of which brings up the point if it’s a good idea to use company-wide sharing links.

Office 365 for IT Pros 2025 Edition is Now Available

Office 365 for IT Pros 2025 edition, the 11th edition of the most comprehensive and in-depth book covering the Microsoft 365 Office servers, is now available. Office 365 for IT Pros subscriptions include a new 240-page book titled Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell covering PowerShell, Microsoft Graph APIs, and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. No Microsoft 365 tenant administrator should be without a copy of Office 365 for IT Pros!

Teams Chat Gets the Shared Tab

The old Files tab in Teams chat is being replaced by the Shared tab. The new tab exposes both files and hyperlinks and Microsoft says that the Shared tab will support more types of objects in the future. No dates are given for the future enhancements, but the new Shared tab will roll out for Teams chat users in early July 2024. I like the new tab because I tend to share many hyperlinks in chats.

Teams to Block Federated Communications with Trial Tenants

Microsoft is moving to block federated communications with trial Microsoft 365 tenants to cut off a potential exploitation route for attackers. The new block goes into force on July 29, 2024, and is controlled by the ExternalAccessWithTrialTenants setting in the tenant federation configuration policy. We’ve been saying for years that tenants should clamp down on federated chat. It seems that Microsoft now agrees.

The Curiously Unfinished Outlook Settings API

The Outlook settings API is a unfinished Graph API that can read and update some but not all mailbox settings. It’s a pity that the API is incomplete because it would be nice to have a comprehensive API that supported every mailbox setting, including some of the more recently introduced tweaks seen in OWA. The current state of the Outlook settings API is usable but not for much, but at least it can update auto-reply settings.

Adding 幸运飞行艇开奖历史记录查询 幸运飞行艇168官方开奖 幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播查询结果 Details of Authentication Methods to the Tenant Passwords and MFA Report

V1.2 of the User Passwords and MFA report includes the names of authentication methods registered for user accounts. V1.3 expands the amount of detail reported for each method, such as the phone number used for SMS challenges, or the email address used for SSPR. It’s a small but important detail that’s useful to administrators. However, it also comes with a potential privacy issue, so the script must handle that too.