Making it easy to protect Office 365 content with encryption is great, but it has some downsides too. One of the obvious problems that we have is that encrypted documents in SharePoint and OneDrive for Business libraries can’t be found unless their metadata holds the search phrase.
The Microsoft-Adobe initiative to support Azure Information Protection for PDF files has reached general availability. Things look good and the issues encountered in the preview are removed. You can store protected PDFs inside Office 365, but be prepared to download the files to be able to view them.
Knowing how retention policies process Office 365 data can be hard to understand, especially if multiple policies are involved. Office 365 doesn’t give a global view of how retention policies affect workloads, but here’s how to use PowerShell to find out what policies process the sites in a tenant.
Some recent questions in the Microsoft Technical Community show confusion about the email addresses used by Office 365 Groups and Teams. Here’s our attempt to clarify.
Embedding external content in modern SharePoint Online (SPO) pages is a really easy task using Microsoft’s out of the box Embed webpart. In the WebPart settings panel we can add the external content URL (such as a YouTube video) or by using the standard <iFrame> HTML tag: In the event we want to add a …
Read More “How to Embed External Content in Modern SharePoint Online Pages”
Rights management and encryption are likely to be a much more common Office 365 feature in the future. Sensitivity labels makes protection easy for users to apply through Office apps. The downside is that protection makes content harder to access for some Office 365 and ISV functionality.
Not everyone likes writing JSON files, so when the time comes to customize a site design or site script for SharePoint Online, it’s a relief to find that a visual tool is available for the job.
Backup vendors say you should definitely use their products to protect your valuable Microsoft 365 data. Backup products can do a good job, but the nature of Microsoft 365 creates many challenges at a technical level. A lack of APIs is the most fundamental issue, but the connected nature of Microsoft 365 apps is another.
How many guest users does your Office 365 tenant have? And how many of those accounts are actually used? Given that many Office 365 applications now generate guest user accounts to facilitate external access to content, managing these accounts is a growing concern.
In the same way Microsoft is introducing a new modern search experience in modern SharePoint Online (SPO) sites, the same strategy is being applied to search in Office 365. In this article we take a look at the modern search features you can find in Office 365. This article was published on on September 27, 2018. …
Read More “New Search Experiences Coming to Office 365”
A article explains how to publish news items generated in SharePoint Online sites to Teams channels. It’s the way to spread those important announcements as widely as possible.
A very common question when discussing modern SharePoint is why Microsoft has not modernized the creation of subsites to give Office 365 tenants the ability not only to create a modern site, but also to create modern subsites. Fortunately, Microsoft has finally released a modern subsite template to allow any organization still using subsites to …
Read More “Modernizing SharePoint Subsites”
Office 365 tenant administrators can use different ways to access user data. Shouldn’t you have a policy to govern that access?
An update coming soon to the SharePoint Online Admin Center means that administrators will be able to manage Office 365 Groups. Given the importance of Office 365 Groups to SharePoint, it’s a good change.
Microsoft says that they will soon send email to users when Office 365 detects a higher than normal number of file deletions in SharePoint Online sites and OneDrive for Business accounts. There’s no real detail provided as to what counts as a high volume or why Microsoft is sending the notifications.
As announced in this post in the Microsoft Tech Community, the ability to add a new Office 365 Group to an existing SharePoint Online (SPO) site is finally available to Office 365. You will be able to connect existing classic SPO sites to new Office 365 Groups by means of two possible mechanisms: PowerShell (first …
Read More “Adding a New Microsoft 365 Group to an Existing (Classic) SharePoint Online Site”
Search in SharePoint Online (SPO) is an area that we will see change in the future. Indeed, you might have already seen some of the new search experiences in your modern SPO sites
The security company Avanan says that 10% of Office 365 users are affected by “PhishPoint.” That estimate seems pretty high to me.
SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites will soon boast 100 minimum versions, which they need to power features like AutoSave and OneDrive Restore. But if you work for an organization that doesn’t want to use so many versions for files, you can update your SharePoint tenant configuration to disable minimum versioning. That is, provided you do so by September 30, 2018.