How to Enable Users to Receive Copies of Email They Send to Microsoft 365 Groups

It might seem like a small thing, but some users are upset when they don’t receive copies of their messages sent to Outlook Groups in their Inbox. A new setting allows users and administrators to control if they receive copies of messages from groups, but only when the user is a subscriber to groups (Follow in Inbox is turned on). In this article, we explore how to set the EchoGroupMessageBackToSubscribedSender control via OWA options and PowerShell, and how to sign up to be a group subscriber by yourself or with a little help from an Exchange administrator.

Printing a Report of Microsoft 365 Group (Team) Membership

Many people want to print off membership details of Microsoft 365 groups, which makes it curious why Microsoft doesn’t support the option in Teams, OWA, or other applications. Fortunately, it is very easy to extract and report membership with PowerShell. Here’s how to generate a HTML report with a CSV file on the side.

How to Find Guests in Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams Where Guests are Prohibited

You can apply an Office 365 Sensitivity Label to control different aspects of Groups, Teams, and Sites. One of the settings controls whether guest users are allowed in group membership. We explain how to use PowerShell to search groups assigned a label to block guest access for existing guests, just in case you want to remove them.

Managing Office 365 Group Membership with PowerShell

A reader wants the benefits of dynamic Office 365 groups without having to pay for Azure AD premium licenses. It’s relatively straightforward to maintain the membership of a group with PowerShell. That is, if your directory is accurately populated and the right results are returned when you look for who the set of group members should be.

Tuning PowerShell for Office 365 Group Membership

A recent article prompted a check to see whether a PowerShell recommendation made sense and delivered better performance when executing a command to extract the membership of Office 365 Groups performance. As it turns out, the recommendation is valid, but whether you notice any difference is arguable.