Limiting SharePoint Storage for Teams

One of the great things about Teams is the way that it orchestrates Office 365 resources like SharePoint Online sites. The downside is that a tenant’s valuable SharePoint storage quota might be absorbed by a profusion of Teams. To offset the problem, you can apply lower limits to sites belonging to Teams and the best approach is to use PowerShell for the job.

How to Rename the Site Address (URL) for a SharePoint Online Site

The modern SharePoint Admin Center introduces the ability to rename the URLs for SharePoint site names. This responds to a longstanding customer request and makes it possible for site names to reflect what users see elsewhere in Office 365 groups or Teams. It’s a small but welcome change in the fit and finish category.

Teams Admin Center Adds Delete and Archive Capabilities

The Teams Admin Center now boasts the ability to delete teams and (if you don’t want to get rid of them altogether) archive teams. And unarchive teams back into use. All is good, even if Microsoft is making slow progress at building out Teams management functionality. Some of the slowness is due to dependencies, some because of other factors.

How to Post Information to Microsoft 365 Groups or Teams Channels

It’s easy to create a webhook connector to post information to a team channel or an Microsoft 365 group. What might not be quite so easy is formatting the JSON payload. Here’s how to use a template card to simplify the process.

How to Populate Team or Group Membership from Email Distribution Lists

Exchange Online distribution lists can be used to populate the membership of Office 365 Groups or Teams by applying a little PowerShell magic. Here’s how.

Tip: Make Sure to Add Owners as Members When Creating New Teams

Teams offers a number of ways to create new teams, which is good. However, if you create a new team with PowerShell, make sure that you add the team owners to the members list as otherwise they won’t be able to access Planner.

Existing Guest Accounts and the Azure B2B Collaboration Policy

When you impose a block on certain domains, you’d like to think that applications like Teams will respect that block. As it turns out, if you have some lingering guests in your Azure Active Directory, the B2B collaboration policy might not be as effective as you’d hope.

How to Synchronize AAD Security Groups with Microsoft 365 Groups

Security groups are often used to protect access to resources, but they can’t be used to control membership for Microsoft 365 Groups or Teams. If you want to use AAD security groups to control membership for Groups and Teams, you need to come up with a way to synchronize. PowerShell is available to do the job, and as it turns out, it’s not too difficult.

Office 365 Groups and the ProvisioningOption property

Some will tell you that you can figure out what resources an Office 365 Group is connected to by checking the ProvisioningOption property with the Get-UnifiedGroup cmdlet. Well, you can’t. If you want to do something like check for team-enabled groups, you’ll need a different approach.

Enabling Access to Teams for Guest Users with PowerShell

During transitions, things sometimes don’t go so smoothly. Such is the case if you want to enable or disable guest user access to Teams and find that the setting to control the access is no longer available in the Office 365 Admin Center. But PowerShell can control the setting, so that’s the solution to the problem.

How Did Slack Justify That $7B Valuation?

Teams and Slack competitive data

Apparently, Slack is now worth $7.1 billion. That’s a lot of money for a company that faces huge competition from Microsoft Teams, especially with the ever-increasing size of the Office 365 installed base.

Removing Email Addresses from Microsoft 365 Groups

Like all mail-enabled objects, Office 365 Groups can have multiple proxy addresses. Microsoft has fixed a bug in the Set-UnifiedGroup cmdlet so that you can remove proxy addresses from groups, but take care before you do.