This article explains how to use PowerShell to enable Exchange Online archive mailboxes after primary mailboxes reach a certain size. Some simple PowerShell code checks the mailbox size and if it’s too large, enables the archive and assigns a mailbox retention policy containing a default move to archive tag to move items from the primary to the archive mailbox. Some Azure Automation would make sure that the script runs periodically to keep mailboxes in good health.
Microsoft is introducing a block to stop customers attempting to move auto-expanding archives to Exchange Server. No very of the on-premises server has ever supported auto-expanding archives, so it’s reasonable to have a block. It’s still possible to move a primary mailbox back to Exchange Server, but its auto-expanding archive must stay in the cloud. It’s a good factor to take into account if an organization plans to use auto-expanding archives in the future.
Microsoft is moving the listing of archived mailboxes from the Purview Compliance portal to its natural home in the Exchange Admin Center. In this post, we look at how you can report the current status of archive mailboxes (both user and shared mailboxes) in a Microsoft 365 tenant.
A change rolling out in mid-October will remove storage pressure on the Recoverable Items structure in Exchange Online mailboxes by offloading some data to archive mailboxes. The idea is a good one because it means that the storage allocated to Recoverable Items won’t fill up and require intervention so often. Users won’t know anything about what’s happening under the covers as it’s all hidden from view.
A 1.5 TB limit applies to Exchange Online archive mailboxes from November 1, 2021. In this article, we use PowerShell to report how close expandable archives are to the new limit. In reality, not many archive mailboxes will approach the new limit, but it’s nice to know things like the daily growth rate for an archive and how many days it will take for an archive to reach 1.5 TB. All whimsical stuff calculated with PowerShell!