Increase in OneDrive Storage Usage by Microsoft Teams Apps Complicates Tenant Administration

Whiteboard is the latest Teams-enabled app to use OneDrive for Business for its storage. It’s unsurprising and it’s a trend likely to continue, and it creates an administrative challenge in terms of how to handle deleted Microsoft 365 user accounts. The suggested approach of having a designated user review the information and retrieve what’s important is OK for documents but doesn’t work for app-linked content. Retention policies are a better option.

How to Use Microsoft Loop Components in Teams Chat

Announced at Fall Ignite 2021, the first implementation of Microsoft Loop components is in Teams chat. This functionality is available in preview and it’s very usable, providing everyone in the chat uses the right client and is enabled for preview. In this article, we review the functionality available through loop components and how the fluid files for the components are stored and shared.