Verifying Office 365 Administrator Access to User Data

Office 365 tenant administrators can use different ways to access user data. Shouldn’t you have a policy to govern that access?

Mass Delete Notifications for SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business

Microsoft says that they will soon send email to users when Office 365 detects a higher than normal number of file deletions in SharePoint Online sites and OneDrive for Business accounts. There’s no real detail provided as to what counts as a high volume or why Microsoft is sending the notifications.

Why SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business Have a One Hundred Version Minimum

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites will soon boast 100 minimum versions, which they need to power features like AutoSave and OneDrive Restore. But if you work for an organization that doesn’t want to use so many versions for files, you can update your SharePoint tenant configuration to disable minimum versioning. That is, provided you do so by September 30, 2018.