Table of Contents
Microsoft 365 Groups, Entra ID, and User Extension Attributes
Last year, I wrote about some of the foibles encountered by scripters as they work with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. At the time, we were waiting for V2 of the SDK, which duly arrived in July 2023. At the time of writing, the current version of the SDK is 2.11.1, meaning that updates appear frequently.
A foible that recently came to my attention is that the fifteen custom single-value attributes available for customers to populate for Exchange Online mailboxes are synchronized to Entra ID and available through the Get-MgUser cmdlet, but the same attributes are not available for Entra ID groups even though they exist in Exchange. The five multi-value custom attributes available for mail-enabled objects in Exchange do not synchronize with Entra ID.
Custom attributes allow organizations to store whatever data they like for mailboxes, groups, and other mail-enabled objects. Mailboxes are linked to user accounts and Entra ID synchronizes the 15 custom attributes to OnPremisesExtensionAttributes for Entra ID accounts. An Entra ID account does not have to be mailbox-enabled to use these attributes, but most are.
Figure 1 shows the extension attributes for my account as viewed through the Entra ID admin center. Extension attribute 9 is used to hold details of my favorite drink, which is then exposed to those who need to know by customizing the Microsoft 365 user profile card.

Another example of using custom attributes is to set an expiration date for guest accounts that can then be actioned by processes to detect and remove expired accounts.
Entra ID groups don’t currently support custom attributes and that’s where the problem lies. Given that Microsoft 365 groups and distribution lists support these attributes and show up as Entra ID groups, it seems like a gap exists in the connection between Exchange Online and Entra ID. The Graph APIs can’t make data appear where it not present.
I’ve asked Microsoft why groups don’t support custom attributes and discussions continue. Hopefully, Microsoft will close the gap in the future. In the meantime, if you need to work with custom attributes for groups, use the Exchange Online cmdlets.
Reporting Graph SDK Problems
I reported the problem with custom attributes for groups to Microsoft via the PowerShell GitHub repro. This is the right place to report issues and suggestions for the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. The SDK development team monitors the issues that come in and will respond. Before you add a new issue, it’s worthwhile scanning the set of existing issues to see if someone else reported the same problem. Reading problems can also be a good way to learn how SDK cmdlets work and how people are using them to solve problems.
Understanding Graph Permissions
Apps, including the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, need permissions (scopes) to access data via Graph APIs. It’s sometimes difficult to understand what permission is needed to do something, especially when contemplating interactive sessions (delegate permissions and administrative roles assigned to the signed-in account) versus other forms of use like certificate-based authentication, Azure Automation runbooks, and registered apps, all of which use application permissions. Administrative roles can also come into the frame too. The bottom line is that picking the right permissions – and the least-permissioned of those permissions -can take some effort.
This article covers how to use Graph SDK cmdlets like Find MgGraphPermission to find the right permissions. Christian Rittler used Find-MgGraphPermission to create a useful function called Get-GraphScriptPermission that accepts a script block as input and parses the cmdlets in the script block to find the required permissions. The idea is that instead of checking individual cmdlets, you can check what permissions are needed for an entire script. For example, this code creates a script block containing SDK cmdlets to retrieve user accounts and check each account to find if a manager exists.
$Script = { [array]$Users = Get-MgUser -All -Filter "userType eq 'Member'" ForEach ($User in $Users) { $Manager = Get-MgUser -UserId $User.Id | Select-Object userPrincipalName, @{n="Manager";e={(Get-MgUserManager -UserId $_.Id).AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName}} If ($Manager) { Write-Host ("User {0}'s manager is {1}" -f $User.displayName, $Manager.Manager) } } }
To use the function, call it and pass the variable containing the script block. The output lists the cmdlets found and the permissions needed.
Get-GraphScriptPermission -Script $Script Cmdlet : Get-MgUser Source : Microsoft.Graph.Users Verb : Get Type : MgUser Scopes : DeviceManagementApps.Read.All (admin: True), DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All (admin: True),DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All (admin: False), DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All (admin: True), DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All (admin: True), DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All (admin:False), DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All (admin: False),DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All (admin: True), DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All (admin: False), DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All (admin: True), DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All (admin: False), DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All (admin: True), Directory.Read.All (admin: False), Directory.ReadWrite.All (admin: False), User.Read (admin: False), User.Read.All (admin: False), User.Read.All (admin: True), User.ReadBasic.All (admin: False), User.ReadWrite (admin: False), User.ReadWrite.All (admin:False), User.ReadWrite.All (admin: True) Cmdlet : Get-MgUserManager Source : Microsoft.Graph.Users Verb : Get Type : MgUserManager Scopes : Directory.Read.All (admin: True), Directory.ReadWrite.All (admin: True), User.Read.All (admin: True), User.ReadWrite.All (admin: True)
When a permission has admin: True, it means that the account running the code must hold a suitable administrative role to use the cmdlet. Many of the scopes listed for Get-MgUser can be used without an administrative role to allow users to retrieve details of their account, but an administrative role is needed to run Get-MgUserManager.
I amended the original function to generate scopes as strings rather than an array along with some other minor changes. You can download my version from GitHub, use the original, or create your own.
In the past, developers had to consult the documentation for the underlying Graph APIs to find details of required permissions. Microsoft has started to include this information in the documentation for the Graph SDK cmdlets, and that’s a welcome step forward.
SDK Improving Slowly
There’s no doubt that the Graph SDK is improving all the time, albeit slowly, especially with the retirement of the MSOL and Azure AD modules fast approaching (March 30, 2024). Perhaps this is familiarity talking and someone will less experience of dealing with SDK foibles, permissions, and missing features might not be quite so positive. But nothing is perfect (especially software). Upwards and onwards.