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Using Password Profiles for Entra ID Accounts
Although passwordless authentication is in the future for many Entra ID accounts, the indications are that it will take time for Microsoft 365 tenants to get to the point where going passwordless is possible. The ongoing struggle to encourage tenants to adopt multifactor authentication (MFA) as the norm is one such indication. All of which means that tenant administrators will need to manage Entra ID account passwords for some time to come.
The Microsoft 365 admin center and Entra ID admin center both include facilities to reset user account passwords. The Entra ID option is effective but basic. As shown in Figure 1, Entra ID generates a temporary password and shows it to the administrator. The user must reset their password when they next sign in.

The Microsoft 365 admin center option is more flexible because the administrator can choose what password to set, whether the user must reset their password at first sign-in, and can have Microsoft 365 email the password to the administrator’s mailbox.
Nice as it is to have administrative GUIs for password management, automation through PowerShell is often more important for tenant operations. The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK contains capabilities to add passwords to new accounts or update passwords for existing accounts.
Generating User Account Passwords
To start, we need a password. Subject to the Entra ID password limitations, you can make up and assign any kind of password to an account. However, it’s better if the password is complex enough to provide protection until the account owner resets the password. There are many examples of password generators for PowerShell available. One thing to be aware of is that some code works for PowerShell 5 but not for PowerShell 7. For instance, the first of the three examples in this article doesn’t work when run on PowerShell 7. The other two examples do work and the last is a good basis to start with.
Adding a Password to a New User Account
To create a password for a new user account, we need a hash table to hold a “password profile.” A password profile is a Graph resource type representing password settings for an account. To create a random password, I generated it using the function described in the article mentioned above. In this case, the profile tells Entra ID the value to use to set the account password and to require the account to change the password the next time they sign in.
$NewPassword = Get-RandomPassword 8 $NewPasswordProfile = @{} $NewPasswordProfile.Add("Password", $NewPassword) $NewPasswordProfile.Add("ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn",$True)
The New-MgUser cmdlet takes the password profile as the value for the PasswordProfile parameter along with all the other parameters passed to create an account:
$NewUser = New-MgUser -UserPrincipalName "" ` -DisplayName "Ann Conroy (GM Datacenters)" ` -PasswordProfile $NewPasswordProfile -AccountEnabled ` -MailNickName Ann.Conroy -City NYC ` -CompanyName "Office 365 for IT Pros" -Country "United States" ` -Department "IT Operations" -JobTitle "GM Datacenter Operations" ` -BusinessPhones "+1 676 830 1201" -MobilePhone "+1 617 4466515" ` -State "New York" -StreetAddress "1, Avenue of the Americas" ` -Surname "Conroy" -GivenName "Ann" ` -UsageLocation "US" -OfficeLocation "NYC" -PreferredLanguage 'en-US'
Because the ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn setting is true, the user can use the assigned password to sign in, whereupon Entra ID forces them to set a new password (Figure 2).

See this article for more information about creating new Entra ID accounts.
Updating a Password for a User Account
Updating a user account with a new password follows the same path. Create a password profile containing the parameters and run the Update-MgUser cmdlet to change the password. If you don’t want to force the user to create a new password after they sign in, make sure that the ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn setting in the password profile is false.
$PasswordProfile = @{} $PasswordProfile.Add($NewPasswordProfile.Add("Password", $UpdatedPassword) Update-MgUser -UserId $NewUser.Id -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile
If you subsequently want a user to set up multifactor authentication (MFA) for their account, use a different password profile where the forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa setting is $True. Don’t include a password value in the profile.
After updating the account, the next time the user attempts to sign in, Entra ID prompts them to configure an authentication method and then forces a password change. Here’s an example of a password profile to force an account to configure MFA:
$MFAResetProfile = @{} $MFAResetProfile.Add("ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn",$true) $MFAResetProfile.Add("ForceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMFA",$true) Update-MgUser -UserId $UserId -PasswordProfile $MFAResetProfile
Disabling Password Expiration
Microsoft recommends that organizations do not force users to change passwords and that they disable the requirement to change passwords in the password expiration policy (accessed through the Security and Privacy tab of Org settings in the Microsoft 365 admin center). This setting applies to all user accounts. You can disable password expiration for an account as follows:
Update-MgUser -UserId -PasswordPolicies DisablePasswordExpiration
Disabling password expiration isn’t something I would do without the additional protection afforded by MFA, especially for accounts holding administrative roles. Microsoft’s initiative to roll out managed conditional access policies to eligible tenants (those with Entra ID premium licenses) is yet another attempt to increase the percentage of accounts protected by MFA. Expect to see more efforts in this space as 2024 develops.
Learn how to exploit the data available to Microsoft 365 tenant administrators through the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. We love figuring out how things work.