Entra ID Captures Timestamp for Last Successful Sign In for User Accounts

Big Difference Between Last Sign in and Last Successful Sign In

Yesterday, I saw a tweet from Entra ID program manager Merill Ferando announcing that the Graph signInActivity resource type (beta) now supports the lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime property. This is good news because it makes it much easier to find out when a user last successfully accessed a tenant. Being forced to filter the Entra ID sign-in logs to separate out bad attempts to sign-in from successful attempts has long been a frustration for administrators (here’s an example).

Using the LastSignInDateTime Property

Until now, the signInActivity resource supported the LastSignInDateTime property. The property is useful when reviewing account activity. For instance, this PowerShell snippet finds user accounts with a sign-in in the last 14 days.

[array]$Users = Get-MgUser -Filter "signInActivity/lastSignInDateTime ge $([datetime]::UtcNow.AddDays(-14).ToString("s"))Z" -All `
-Property displayname, Id, userPrincipalName, SignInActivity, userType | `
Sort-Object DisplayName | Select-Object @{n="Last Sign in";e={$_.SignInActivity.lastSignInDateTime}}, DisplayName, Id, UserPrincipalName, UserType
[array]$TenantUsers = $Users | Where-Object {$_.UserType -eq "Member"} | Sort-Object {$_.'Last Signin' -as [datetime] } -Descending
$TenantUsers | Format-Table 'Last Sign in', DisplayName, UserPrincipalName

Last Sign in         DisplayName                      UserPrincipalName
-----------          -----------                      -----------------
06/12/2023 13:03:57  Lotte Vetler                     Lotte.Vetler@office365itpros.com
06/12/2023 13:01:22  Chris Bishop                     Chris.Bishop@office365itpros.com
04/12/2023 22:04:43  Rene Artois                      Rene.Artois@office365itpros.com

More developed examples include using the lastSignInDateTime property to find underused accounts, or reporting the timestamp when assessing if guest accounts are in active use.

The difference between lastSignInDateTime and lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime property is:

  • lastSignInDateTime is the timestamp for the last interactive sign-in for a user account. An attempted sign-in might be unsuccessful (for example, a multi-factor authentication challenge fails), but Entra ID still updates the timestamp.
  • lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime is the timestamp for the last successful sign-in (interactive or non-interactive) for a user account.

Taking the example above, some of the timestamps reported might not represent successful sign ins, and that’s the issue the new property aims to address.

Caveats for LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime

Before we all get excited, some caveats exist:

  • Tenants need Entra ID P1 licenses to access sign-in reports via the Graph. If you attempt to run the example code described here and the tenant doesn’t have an Entra ID P1 license, you’ll see a “Neither tenant is B2C or tenant doesn’t have premium license” error. Microsoft’s documentation is unclear about whether the account used needs a license or the existence of Entra ID P1 in the tenant is sufficient. To be sure, use a licensed account.
  • The last successful sign in timestamp is currently available only through the beta endpoint. There’s no indication when it might be available through the V1.0 API endpoint. Some tenants have restrictions governing code written against the beta endpoint.
  • The Get-MgBetaUser cmdlet in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK supports the last successful timestamp using SDK V2.11.1 or later.

$User = Get-MgBetaUser -Userid aff4cd58-1bb8-4899-94de-795f656b4a18 -Property SigninActivity

$User.signinactivity | Select-Object Last*

LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime  : 15/12/2023 19:08:20
LastNonInteractiveSignInRequestId : c8c27d68-1a8f-4b33-a04d-4439404f1500
LastSignInDateTime                : 15/12/2023 14:46:43
LastSignInRequestId               : 1ebe266d-c3cd-479b-b7e6-abc0be5ace00
LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime      : 15/12/2023 19:08:20
LastSuccessfulSignInRequestId     : c8c27d68-1a8f-4b33-a04d-4439404f1500

Microsoft’s documentation says that from December 1, 2023, Entra ID captures the lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime property for user accounts. However, I see the property populated for accounts from mid-November. The difference can be accounted for by the time required to deploy changes across all Microsoft 365 tenants.

Population of the lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime property is not retrospective, so the only values available are from December 1, 2023. Currently, the property is available only through the beta API. Access to sign-in activity logs requires Entra ID P1 licenses.

Testing the LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime Property

There’s nothing like writing a PowerShell script to exercise a new property. I wrote a script (downloadable from GitHub) to find user accounts with licenses and report the lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime and lastSignInDateTime properties for each account. The script also computes the number of days since a last successful sign in and last sign in. As you can see from Figure 1, a difference does exist between the two properties.

Differences between the lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime and lastSignInDateTime properties.
Figure 1: Differences between the lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime and lastSignInDateTime properties

As noted above, the new property is only available through the beta endpoint. If this causes you a problem, you’ll have to wait for Microsoft to apply the necessary magic to upgrade the signInActivity resource type in the V1.0 endpoint. If not, consider reviewing scripts that perform activity date checks for user and guest accounts to figure out if reporting successful sign-in actions makes a difference to the accuracy of the script output.

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11 Replies to “Entra ID Captures Timestamp for Last Successful Sign In for User Accounts”

  1. As always, thank you for the great information. For me v2.10 is currently returning lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime in AdditionalProperties.

    PS C:\> $mgBetaUser = Get-MgBetaUser -UserId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -Property SignInActivity
    PS C:\> $mgBetaUser.SignInActivity | FL
    LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime : 12/8/2023 5:25:51 PM
    LastNonInteractiveSignInRequestId : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    LastSignInDateTime : 12/8/2023 12:16:22 AM
    LastSignInRequestId : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    AdditionalProperties : {[lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime, 2023-12-08T17:25:51Z], [lastSuccessfulSignInRequestId, xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx]}

      1. We most definitely are. I mentioned it knowing some tenants will see it before others, but it’s only a sidebar conversation while we wait for the cmdlet to return it as you describe.

  2. So if LastSignIn has a value but LastSuccessfulLogin is blank or N/A, that means they attempted to login but failed, or just have never tried to login?

  3. Thanks for the information! Is there any way to exclude non-interactive sign-ins for LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime? I just want to know the last time someone successfully logged in with their username and password and am having a surprisingly difficult time getting this data through a script.

    1. Something like: if LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime = LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime, use the LastSignInDateTime else use the LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime?

  4. I cannot find any reference to this change being promoted from beta to GA – anyone have any insights?

    1. That blog appeared in December 2023 soon after Microsoft announced the new feature. At the time, I reported what Microsoft told me. The documentation has changed since, which proves that you should always test and validate what you read online…

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