Since 2015, the Office 365 for IT Pros team has pioneered the concept of writing an ever-changing book to track developments in cloud technology. We’re now in our seventh edition, and we’re delighted at the response we have received from our readers.
The cloud is a big space and there’s plenty that we don’t cover, even inside the boundaries of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. With that in mind, it’s great to see the publication of Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros.
Connections with Office 365 for IT Pros
When you look at its Gumroad.com listing, you might think that Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros is a sister book for Office 365 for IT Pros. It’s actually an independent production by a group of MVPs led by Michael Van Horenbeeck. Michael was one of the original authors of Office 365 for Exchange Professionals, the name given to the first two editions of what is now Office 365 for IT Pros. Michael learned from our experience, adopted most of the same selling structure as we use, and included the text of our Chapter 24 (Protecting Office 365 content). You could say that the two books are cousins.
One thing they didn’t do is publish a Kindle version of the book. I’m torn on this point. Some people like the Kindle version of Office 365 for IT Pros. We do not because of the way that Amazon deals with technical books.
Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros Chapters
The chapters in Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros are:
1. Introduction. Introducing security in the context of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft work in security.
2. Securing Identities. Using Azure Active Directory to secure the identities of Microsoft 365 accounts.
3. Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune). How to secure devices connected to Microsoft 365 with Endpoint Manager.
4. Microsoft Defender ATP. How to use Advanced Threat Protection to protect end-user devices.
5. Cloud App Security. How to adopt and use Microsoft’s cloud protection service to gather intelligence and apply policies to protect your organization.
6. Microsoft Threat Protection. Using Microsoft’s unified defense suite to detect and repel attacks against your organization.
7. Microsoft Information Protection. How to protect confidential and sensitive information stored inside Microsoft 365.
The team writing the Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros book promise monthly updates and use the same year-long subscriber model as we do. I hope they understand the amount of work that’s needed to keep text updated! After five years it’s natural (but still hard at times) for us. Starting off, the workload can come as a surprise. You can keep updated with developments through their website.
Security Important for All
Security is obviously something that anyone with administrative responsibilities for an Office 365 tenant needs to pay attention to. Having some solid advice from professionals working in the space is a great help.
Thanks for reminder. I just bought the security book and will start reading it soon