Creating Viva Engage Communities with the Graph API

A new beta Graph API supports the creation of a Viva Engage community. This article explains how to use the Graph SDK to create a new community with the API. It’s the start on the transition from the old Yammer APIs to fully embrace the Graph API.

How to Disable the Viva Engage Core Service Plan

As part of its rebranding of Yammer to Viva Engage last week, Microsoft added the Viva Engage Core service plan to user accounts. Which is nice, unless a tenant had blocked Yammer. The new service plan means that accounts can now use Yammer In many cases, it won’t matter too much that users can now access Yammer, but in other instances it will. In any case, we should tidy up by removing the Viva Engage Core service plan from any account that already blocks Yammer. Some PowerShell does the trick, but it would have been nice if Microsoft had thought things through a little more.

Microsoft Dumps Yammer Brand

Microsoft announced that they will rebrand Yammer as Viva Engage. The decision isn’t surprising given the relative lack of success the Yammer brand has had within Microsoft 365 since its acquisition in 2012. The hope is that the now-renamed Yammer can forge ahead and be more successful under the Viva brand. Time will tell.

Yammer Adds Stories to Storyline

Yammer stories are an extension of the previously announced storyline feature. A story is a short photo or video snippet to update other people about an event, happening, or other news. You can create stories through the Yammer apps or Viva Engage in Teams. Creating stories is easy and the interaction is smooth. The question for an enterprise is how best to use this new capability,

Yammer Powers Viva Engage and Teams Q&A

Some recent announcements have shown Yammer’s new direction. The Communities app is now Viva Engage and Teams Meeting Q&A app is powered by Yammer. That’s all good because it negates some of the tension between Teams and Yammer in terms of positioning within Microsoft 365. The messages that make up Q&A in Teams meetings are captured for compliance purposes, and that’s also a good thing.