Microsoft Graph Support for SharePoint Online Tenant Settings

Introducing the Tenant Admin Namespace for SharePoint Graph Settings

SharePoint Graph settings

Despite being the two basic Microsoft 365 workloads, one of the notable gaps in Microsoft Graph API coverage has been administrative interfaces for SharePoint Online and Exchange Online. A small but valuable step in the right direction happened with the appearance of the settings resource type in the TenantAdmin namespace. For now, the coverage for tenant settings is sparse and only deals with some of the settings that administrators can manage using the Set-SPOTenant PowerShell cmdlet, but it’s a start, and you can see how Microsoft might develop the namespace to handle programmatic access to settings that currently can only be managed through an admin portal.

Options to Manage SharePoint Online Settings

SharePoint Online tenant-wide settings apply to SharePoint Online sites and OneDrive for Business accounts. Like all Graph APIs, apps must have permissions to be able to make requests. The read-only permission is SharePointTenantSettings.Read.All while you’ll need the SharePointTenantSettings.ReadWrite.All permission to update settings.

Three methods are available to use the new API:

  • The Graph Explorer.
  • A dedicated app registered in Entra ID
  • The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

The Graph Explorer is acceptable for testing or one-off commands. However, given that the Set-SPOTenant cmdlet is available, it’s unlikely that you’d use the Graph Explorer as your preferred method to update settings.

Creating a dedicated app just to manage SharePoint Online settings is unlikely too unless you use the same app to manage multiple tenants. This points to the most likely use of the TenantAdmin API, which is to allow MSPs to create apps to manage multiple tenants on behalf of customers.

The Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK could be used to replace the SharePoint Online management module. An organization might want to do this to rationalize the number of PowerShell modules its developers work with and maintain. I can see this happening in the future when Microsoft has developed the TenantAdmin API to match the capabilities available today through the Set-SPOTenant cmdlet. For now, I’d stay with the SharePoint module and keep a close eye on what happens with the API.

Updating SharePoint Online Settings with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

As an example of using the new API, let’s update the setting controlling Loop components in Microsoft 365 apps. This seems appropriate given the recent appearance of Loop components in OWA. The setting controlling the availability of Loop components is IsLoopEnabled, which is True by default. Here’s the code to retrieve the current setting:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes SharePointTenantSettings.ReadWrite.All
$Uri = ""
$SPOSettings = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Get

To change the setting to False (and disable Loop components), we use the same URI and run a Patch request. To make the command slightly more interesting, we’ll also update the SharePoint News feed setting at the same time and set a new default time zone for new sites created in the tenant. The time zone for new sites is an example of a setting that cannot be set using the Set-SPOTenant cmdlet. Currently, the time zone can only be set in the SharePoint admin center, so this is an example of how the Graph API will expose new settings.

First, we create a payload object.

$NewSettings = @{
    "isLoopEnabled" = "false"
    "isSharePointNewsFeedEnabled" = "true"
    "tenantDefaultTimezone" = "(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London"

Then, we patch the settings.

Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Patch -Body $NewSettings

SharePoint responds by listing all the settings available to the API: You can see that the two settings have the values contained in the payload.

Name                           Value
----                           -----
isFileActivityNotificationE... True
isCommentingOnSitePagesEnabled True
sharingBlockedDomainList       {}
sharingAllowedDomainList       {,,,}
siteCreationDefaultManagedPath /sites/
deletedUserPersonalSiteRete... 60
isSiteCreationUIEnabled        True
isSyncButtonHiddenOnPersona... False
isSitePagesCreationEnabled     False
tenantDefaultTimezone         (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
isLoopEnabled                  False
personalSiteDefaultStorageL... 5242880
allowedDomainGuidsForSyncApp   {}
isSiteCreationEnabled          True
availableManagedPathsForSit... {/sites/, /teams/, /containers/}
isResharingByExternalUsersE... False
isSharePointMobileNotificat... True
sharingDomainRestrictionMode   none
sharingCapability              externalUserAndGuestSharing
isMacSyncAppEnabled            True
imageTaggingOption             basic
isUnmanagedSyncAppForTenant... False
isSitesStorageLimitAutomatic   True
isSharePointNewsfeedEnabled    False
excludedFileExtensionsForSy... {*.exe, *.zip, *.rar, *.pst...}
@odata.context       $metadata#admin/sharepoint/settings/$entity
siteCreationDefaultStorageL... 26214400

Something to Monitor

I suspect that the new API will not be heavily used for now and won’t until it attains feature comparability with the Set-SPOTenant cmdlet. But that’s not the important thing to take away. This is the start of the development of Graph API support for tenant administrative settings, and that’s certainly something to welcome.

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