How to Block Self-Service Purchases of Windows 365 Licenses

Three Windows 365 Options Available for Purchase

Windows 365
Windows 365

Microsoft’s announcement of Windows 365 on July 14 created a great deal of excitement in some organizations seeking a way to deploy and manage PC assets more easily (here’s an independent view on the topic). Five days later, Microsoft notified Office 365 tenants in MC271483 that end users will be able to buy Windows 365 licenses through the self-purchase license mechanism in the Microsoft 365 admin center. By default, Microsoft enables self-service purchases of Windows 365 licenses, so if you don’t want this to happen, you must disable the self-purchase option for Windows 365 using PowerShell.

Windows 365 comes in two versions. Microsoft’s definitions for the two are:

  • Windows 365 Enterprise is for organizations that want to manage their Cloud PCs with Microsoft Endpoint Manager and take advantage of integrations with other Microsoft services, including Azure Active Director and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
  • Windows 365 Business is for smaller organizations that want a simple way to buy, deploy, and manage Cloud PCs.

According to Microsoft, self-service purchases are integrated into the two versions as follows:

  • Microsoft 365 Enterprise: IT admins who use Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) will be able to purchase a license during the resize action on a user’s Cloud PC if their organization does not have any licenses available. 
  • Microsoft 365 Business: Any user can purchase a license from and automatically have a Cloud PC created for them.

Self-Service Purchase Options

Three Windows 365 options are available for self-purchase. Microsoft won’t confirm prices until August 1.

Self-service purchases are unavailable for government and academic tenants.

Using PowerShell to Block Windows 365 Self-Service License Purchases

Control over Windows 365 self-service license purchases uses the same mechanism as Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Visio, Project Online, and (most recently) Power BI Premium and Power Automate with RPA. Here’s what you need to do:

First, if your workstation doesn’t already have version 1.6 of the MSCommerce PowerShell module, download and install the module. After the installation finishes, run the Connect-MSCommerce cmdlet to connect to the Commerce endpoint, authenticating using a global tenant administrator account.


You can disable each Windows 365 option separately. For instance, here’s how to disable Windows 365 Business:

Update-MSCommerceProductPolicy -PolicyId AllowSelfServicePurchase -ProductId CFQ7TTC0J203 -Enabled $False

To disable the three Windows 365 self-service purchase options, use this code:

$Windows365Options = @("CFQ7TTC0HHS9", "CFQ7TTC0HX99", "CFQ7TTC0J203")
ForEach ($Option in $Windows365Options) {
   Update-MSCommerceProductPolicy -PolicyId AllowSelfServicePurchase -ProductId $Option -Enabled $False }

Finally, check the current enablement status for each product available for self-purchase with:

Get-MSCommerceProductPolicies -PolicyId AllowSelfServicePurchase

ProductName                                      ProductId    PolicyId                 PolicyValue
-----------                                      ---------    --------                 -----------
Windows 365 Enterprise                           CFQ7TTC0HHS9 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Windows 365 Business with Windows Hybrid Benefit CFQ7TTC0HX99 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Windows 365 Business                             CFQ7TTC0J203 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Power Automate per user                          CFQ7TTC0KP0N AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Power Apps per user                              CFQ7TTC0KP0P AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Power Automate RPA                               CFQ7TTC0KXG6 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Power BI Premium (standalone)                    CFQ7TTC0KXG7 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Visio Plan 2                                     CFQ7TTC0KXN8 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Visio Plan 1                                     CFQ7TTC0KXN9 AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Project Plan 3                                   CFQ7TTC0KXNC AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Project Plan 1                                   CFQ7TTC0KXND AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled
Power BI Pro                                     CFQ7TTC0L3PB AllowSelfServicePurchase Disabled

To Block or Not to Block

Self-service licensing has its place in some organizations. Others consider it inappropriate and unhelpful to allow end users to drive what they consider should be organization-led purchasing. If you’re in the latter category, go ahead and run the couple of lines of PowerShell given above to block users. If not, consider how to educate people about how self-service licensing works and when it should be used.

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4 Replies to “How to Block Self-Service Purchases of Windows 365 Licenses”

    1. That’s true. However, this is an old method in an old PowerShell module that we’re likely to see deprecated in 2022 (my prediction, npt a Microsoft statement). Also, the alternative method using the MSCommerce module allows control on a license by license basis, meaning that you can allow self-service purchase for some products (like Project, for instance), and block everything else.

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