June 2020 Offer for Office 365 for IT Pros

With the assistance of our book sponsors, Quest Software, the Office 365 for IT Pros team is happy to announce that anyone who buys the 2020 edition in June 2020 will receive a free upgrade to the 2021 edition when we release this edition in July 2020.

The way the scheme works is:

  • You buy a full-price subscription for the 2020 edition of Office 365 for IT Pros from Gumroad.com.
  • You’ll be able to download the latest files, recently updated for June 2020.
  • When we release the 2021 edition, we’ll send you a code to allow you to download the 2021 edition free.

Effectively, we take your 2020 subscription, which only lasts another month, and extend it for the full 12 months covering the subscription to the 2021 edition. This offer does not apply to people who buy the Kindle version of the book. Amazon controls all aspects of the purchase workflow for Kindle and we have zero visibility over who buys the Kindle version.

Subscribers who bought Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 edition) before June 1, 2020 will receive a low-cost upgrade offer. It won’t be free, but it will be reasonable.

Why We Use a Subscription Model

People might ask why we use the subscription model for Office 365 for IT Pros. We believe that any version of the book is the best available book covering Office 365 tenant management available today. We could sell the book in the normal manner as a simple transaction. You pay us and you get a copy.

However, the subscription model allows us to continually update the book because it gives us a flow of funding to pay our writers and editors for the time spent monitoring change across the Office 365 workloads and associated technology. Changes need to be understood, analyzed, checked, and then written about in a way that fits into the book. To put this work into context, for the 2020 edition we:

  • Released eleven monthly updates to subscribers. Not every subscriber downloads every update, but they’re available when you want to fetch the latest files.
  • Created 195 chapter updates, meaning that each chapter was updated more than eight times over the year. Some updates were very big, others small. The point is that the entire book was heavily revised over the year.
  • Added a net 52,264 words (the June 2020 update spans 600,883 words) to the book content (63 pages). Some content was removed during the year, but overall, we grew the book content by about 10% to reflect new functionality added to Office 365 over the year.

All of this takes up a lot of time and regretfully that time needs to be paid for. On the upside, we get to issue updates monthly to make sure that Office 365 for IT Pros stays up to date.

We appreciate the support we have from our subscribers and hope that you will continue that support with the 2021 edition.

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