May Update for Office 365 for IT Pros 2020 Edition

May files now available for download

Refresh for the Entire Book

The Office 365 for IT Pros writing team is delighted to announce the availability of the 10th update for the 2020 edition.

One thing we’re sure about is that Microsoft will continue to update Office 365. The pace of change has not slackened and the number of notifications appearing in the Microsoft 365 admin center continues (we recommend the integration between the Message Center and Planner to help track new developments)

The 10th update is a massive effort with changes applied to 23 of the 24 content chapters (the remaining chapter was changed, but only with some small updates and we don’t count those). You can consider this update to be a complete refresh of the 2020 edition. Full details are available on our change log.

Subscribers who bought through can download the updated files from their Gumroad account. See our FAQ for more information on this process. We recommend that subscribers download and use the updated files as soon as you can. There’s no point in paying for a subscription service to receive updates if you don’t use them.

Uploaded files are also available for Kindle readers on Amazon. However, as we have noted many times in the past, Amazon is not the most helpful partner in the world when it comes to allowing people access to updated files. For this reason, we recommend that you don’t buy from Amazon and follow the advice in the FAQ to convert the EPUB version to Kindle instead.

2021 Edition Coming

The 10th update is the last big update for the 2020 edition. We will publish one more update on June 1, 2020. After that, we will concentrate on the 2021 edition, which is scheduled to appear on July 1, 2020. Stay tuned for more information!

2 Replies to “May Update for Office 365 for IT Pros 2020 Edition”

  1. Hello,
    I just purchased on May 10th, the 2020 edition. Will I need to spend another $50 for the 2021 edition in July 1, 2020?

    1. Nope. We will make a low-cost update option available to current subscribers. Last year the update price was $14.95. I think it will be the same for 2021.

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