April 2020 Update Available for Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 Edition)

Ninth Update Issued for the Only Office 365 Book That Constantly Changes

The writing team is delighted to announce that we have completed the ninth update for Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 edition). Subscribers who bought the EPUB/PDF version can download the updated files from their Gumroad.com account while purchasers of the Kindle version can ask Amazon to make the updates available to them.

Please consult the change log for details of the changes in this release. The FAQ has information that you might find interesting about how to download updates.

Large Number of Chapter Changes

The ninth update refreshes 17 of the 24 content chapters. Apart from major changes spread across the book, there are many smaller changes and quality improvements (our name for fixing typos). Please download and use the updated files at your convenience.

Chapter changes in the April 2020 update of Office 365 for IT Pros
Chapter changes in the April 2020 update of Office 365 for IT Pros

We have also updated the companion volume. The current version of this volume is dated 1 April 2020 and the updated files are also available on Gumroad.com. A Kindle version of the companion volume is also available.

3 Replies to “April 2020 Update Available for Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 Edition)”

  1. Hi Tony,
    I have one confusion, Either I misread or i am doing something wrong. This is about page no. 542, I tested and this statement doesn’t seems to be true
    “team owners can’t access the contents of a private channel unless they become a member. If they’re not a member, the only indication that a team owner has of activity within the channel is the timestamp for the channel in the Manage channels list.”

    I am logged in to Teams as admin@learnsj.onmicrosoft.com, This is user is only an admin of a private channel and not listed as admin but He is able to see all content being shared in that channel.

    Is it expected ? it not then book needs correction.

    Sourabh Jha

    1. The owner of a team cannot access the contents of a private channel in the team unless they are a member of the private channel,

      I just tested this again and I see that the timestamp for the private channels isn’t being updated. This is possibly due to some of the current restrictions that are happening – or Microsoft has changed it. In any case, the text in the chapter has been updated and now is (for the May 2020 update):

      Channel owners can add new members to a private channel using the Teams client and team owners and administrators can update channel membership with PowerShell. However, team owners can’t access the contents of a private channel unless they become a member. Although they can see private channels listed in the Channels tab of the Manage team option in the Teams client, if they’re not a member, the only sign of activity in a private channel that a team owner sees is through administrative interfaces. For instance, if they examine the properties of a private channel returned by the Get-SPOSite cmdlet, the LastContentModifiedDate property might show that some content was recently changed in the site belonging to the channel. Evidence of file activities in the channel is also captured in the audit log.

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