Replacing Videos in Microsoft Stream

When Videos Need More Post-Production

Sometimes videos uploaded to Microsoft Stream need a little more post-production work than is possible with a simple trim from the start and/or end. You might want to remove some content from the middle, add graphics and captions, or otherwise enhance the effectiveness of the content.

Video owners and Stream admins can download a video, process it with a video editor like TechSmith Camtasia, and replace it with an updated version (or overwrite a video with a completely new file). Replacing a video keeps its link, which means that the new file will play anywhere the link is used (like in a Teams channel tab or web page). In addition, many of the video attributes are retained:

  • Video details, like name, description, and language.
  • Permissions.
  • Comments, likes, and view history.

However, because the content of the video changes, anything based on the content is not retained. This includes:

  • The original transcript is replaced by a new transcript generated after the new file is uploaded to Stream.
  • New thumbnails are also generated to replace those generated from the original video.
  • If Forms are linked to the original video, the links are removed (because they depend on specific timelines in the video) and you’ll have to reinsert the Forms at the appropriate times in the replacement video.
  • The people timeline generated for the original video is no longer available. As Stream no longer generates people timelines for videos, one will not be created for the replacement video.

Replacing a Stream Video

 The Replace video option in Microsoft Stream
Figure 1: The Replace video option in Microsoft Stream
  1. If you plan to edit the original video, download it from Stream and do whatever processing is needed. Otherwise, locate the replacement video file. Even if you plan to replace the video with a brand new file, it’s a good idea to download the original as there’s no way to restore a video in Stream after the replacement happens unless you have a copy of the original file.
  2. Select the video you want to replace in Stream and choose Replace video from the […] menu (Figure 1).
  3. Choose the video file to replace the original and click Replace (Figure 2).
  4. Stream uploads the replacement video and swaps it for the original. The normal processing for a new video occurs to generate the automatic transcript. After a short delay, the replacement video will be available. Like what happens following the upload of a new video, the video owner receives an email notification when the replacement video is in place.
Selecting a file to replace a video in Stream
Figure 2: Selecting a file to replace a video in Stream

Audit Records

Stream logs a StreamInvokeVideoUpload audit record when the replacement video is uploaded and a StreamEditVideo record when the replacement is made. Unfortunately, the file name of the replacement video is not captured.

Need more information about Microsoft Stream? You’ll find it in Chapter 16 of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. Subscribe now and receive monthly updates to know about new developments inside Office 365.

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