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Conditional Access MFA Gives Outlook Desktop a Problem with Protected Email
I think most Microsoft 365 tenant administrators would agree that multifactor authentication (MFA) is a good thing. MFA stops bad guys compromising accounts even if they have the password. Microsoft’s recent little bother with Midnight Blizzard could have been cut off had the account whose password was uncovered by a password spray attack been protected with MFA.
Sensitivity labels are also good in terms of their ability to protect sensitive Office documents and PDF files with encryption. The usage rights assigned in sensitivity labels stop people who don’t have access from being able to decrypt and view the content of protected files.
Two good things create a warm feeling of snug protection, or so it might seem. That is, until conditional access policies get in the way. Specifically, conditional access policies that insist on MFA for all cloud apps without exclusions. This seems like a very good kind of policy because it enforces MFA before users can connect to OWA, the new Outlook “Monarch” client, SharePoint Online, Teams, and so on. However, “all cloud apps” means all cloud apps, including the Microsoft Rights Management Services app. This is a multi-tenant app that exists in tenants that use Microsoft Information Protection, the basis of the encryption applied by sensitivity labels to protect files.
Get-MgServicePrincipal -filter "displayname eq 'Microsoft Rights Management Services'" | Format-Table DisplayName, AppId, SignInAudience DisplayName AppId SignInAudience ----------- ----- -------------- Microsoft Rights Management Services 00000012-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 AzureADMultipleOrgs
Let’s assume that you deploy a conditional access policy to enforce MFA for all cloud apps. With this configuration in place, users generate and send some protected email by applying sensitivity labels with encryption. Some messages go to external recipients, but that’s OK because the usage rights defined in the labels allow the external recipients to access the content.
The Problem with MFA for All Cloud Apps
All works wonderfully if the external recipients use OWA, Monarch, or Outlook Mobile to read the messages. Decryption for these clients is managed by Exchange Online, which obtains the necessary use licenses to allow the clients to access the content. However, Outlook desktop (Win32) uses a different scheme and must obtain use licenses from Microsoft Rights Management Services running on the originating (your) tenant. This is when you see the dialog telling you that Outlook is configuring the computer for Information Rights Management (Figure 1).

But the conditional access policy in the sending tenant insists on MFA for all cloud apps and there’s no way for Outlook to satisfy an MFA challenge in your tenant. Deprived of the use license, Outlook falls back to displaying the RPMSG wrapper for the message (Figure 2).

Clicking the read the message link brings the user to the Office 365 Message Encryption portal, where they can read the message. This proves that the usage rights given to the user allow access. The problem lies with not being able to obtain the use license due to the MFA challenge.

Excluding Microsoft Rights Management Services
The simple solution is to exclude the Microsoft Rights Management Services app from all conditional access policies that enforce MFA for user connections. This is easily done by editing policies through the Entra admin center (Figure 4).

PowerShell makes it easy to scan and update conditional access policies in the tenant. A similar approach to the one to add breakglass accounts to conditional access policies can be used to add an exclusion to policies.
The script (available from GitHub) performs these steps.
- Connects to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.
- Runs the Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy cmdlet to find the set of enabled conditional access policies.
- Checks each policy to see if an exclusion for the Microsoft Rights Management Services app is present.
- If no exclusion is present, the script checks if the policy uses MFA (with or without authentication strength) as a control.
- If the policy applies MFA, the script checks if a forced password change is set (this eliminates the possibility of adding an app exclusion) and that the policy doesn’t use an authentication context. Both prevent the addition of an excluded app to the policy.
Once it’s sure that an exclusion is possible, the script adds the exclusion. Figure 5 shows the script in action.

It’s an Ecosystem Thing
It’s unfortunate when a clash occurs between two important parts of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. It’s a reminder to us all about the importance of taking a holistic view of functionality instead of focusing on a single workload. Some will think that this problem is something that Microsoft testing should have found. That’s a fair perspective, and Microsoft’s documentation does cover some potential issues with conditional access and encrypted documents, but it’s unlikely that the testing regime considers how sensitivity labels work with Outlook desktop for external recipients when MFA is involved.
Any debate must be tempered by the realization that the clash appeared due to the increased usage of multifactor authentication (due to incessant campaigning by Microsoft) allied to increased use of sensitivity labels to protect information. Both are good trends.
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Instead of poking a hole in Conditional Access, why not just adjust the inbound trust settings to accept MFA from the guest tenant?
(In case the link gets stripped, I’m referring to B2B Collaboration)
Not every organization uses access policies or want to access MFA claims from other organizations, so that’s why adjusting the CA policies to allow an exception for the Microsoft Rights Management Services app can be a preferred option…
I just tested with cross-tenant access policies. Accepting MFA from other tenants seems to work well for user sign-ins but not for apps.