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The Right Way to Replace the Remove-SPOExternalUser Cmdlet


Microsoft Will Remove-SPOExternalUser Between July 29 and August 9

Message center notification MC806103 (27 June 2024) reports the deprecation of the Remove-SPOExternalUser cmdlet from the SharePoint Online management PowerShell module. Microsoft suggests that administrators replace the cmdlet with the Remove-AzureADUser cmdlet, which is a perfectly reasonable strategy if only the cmdlet isn’t part of the retired and soon-to-be deprecated AzureAD module.

Between July 29. 2024 and August 9, 2024, Microsoft will disable the Remove-SPOExternalUser cmdlet. When the block arrives in a tenant, attempts to run the cmdlet will be greeted with:

To streamline scope and permissions for external users, enhance access management, and strengthen our security posture, this cmdlet has been deprecated. Alternatively, please use the Remove-AzureADUser cmdlet in Microsoft Entra ID for user management.”

Microsoft 365 is so Large that No One Understands Everything

MC806103 is a classic example of Microsoft being such a large organization that no one knows what’s happening across the board, or even what’s happening within Microsoft 365. In this case, the SharePoint Online people want to deprecate the Remove-SPOExternalUser cmdlet. That’s a good idea because the cmdlet has low usage (I don’t think I have ever used it) and doesn’t really make sense inside the Microsoft 365 ecosystem where external access for applications like SharePoint Online is now governed using guest accounts. It makes perfect sense to remove overlapping or conflicting features and replace them with what you’d consider a component that’s closer to the core.

Entra ID is the directory of record for Microsoft 365. Individual workloads like SharePoint Online have their own directory, but everything flows back to Entra ID. Replacing the SharePoint Online cmdlet with an Entra ID cmdlet is the right thing to do. The problem is that the program manager in charge of making the transition obviously doesn’t know that the Entra ID team has been trying to deprecate the AzureAD and AzureADPreview modules since 2020. For the last few years, Microsoft has conducted an ongoing campaign to move tenants off these modules to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

What makes this laughable is that Microsoft launched the Entra PowerShell module in preview on June 27 in the hope that a dedicated Entra module (built on top of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK) would help the remaining customers who have scripts that use the AzureAD and AzureADPreview modules to move to a modern platform. Obviously, whoever wrote MC806103 had no idea that this development was in train.

The Right Way to Replace Remove-ExternalSPOUser

The Get-SPOExternalUser cmdlet reports the external users registered for a SharePoint Online tenant. The last time I discussed its use, I observed that the Get-SPOExternalUser cmdlet is an odd cmdlet in some ways, but it does generate a list of external users from the SharePoint directory.

An external user record looks like:

RunspaceId    : 9630573b-c675-4697-a029-72d535e48613
Email         :
DisplayName   : Charu Someone
UniqueId      : 100320009C9C6789
AcceptedAs    :
WhenCreated   : 20/02/2020 19:45:02
InvitedBy     :
LoginName     :
IsCrossTenant : False

Remove-SPOExternalUser works like this:

Remove-SPOExternalUser -UniqueIDs ($User).UniqueId -Confirm:$false
Successfully removed the following external users

The cmdlet removes the external user entry from SharePoint Online. It also removes the matching guest account, if one exists, from Entra ID. In my tenant there are quite a few lingering external accounts that don’t have matching Entra ID guest accounts. These accounts are just another form of digital debris that needs to be cleaned up.

The right way to remove an external account is to use the Remove-MgUser cmdlet from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK:

$User = Get-MgUser -filter "mail eq '"
Remove-MgUser -UserId $User.Id

Or, if you decide to use the preview Entra module:

$User = Get-EntraUser -SearchString ''
Remove-EntraUser -ObjectId $User.Id

Either cmdlet has a much longer future ahead of it than the Remove-AzureADUser cmdlet has. In both cases, SharePoint Online synchronizes with Entra ID and removes the matching external user record.

It’s Just Hard to Keep Up

I don’t blame the individual program manager responsible for MC806103. It’s hard to keep up with everything that goes on within Microsoft 365 and all too easy to assume that a solution that works (for now) is the right long-term recommendation. Perhaps Microsoft needs a clearing house to cross-check dependencies outside the control of an individual development group before they publish information to customers?

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