Deny Guests from Some Domains or Use an Allow List
Updated: 5 September 2023
The ability for applications to use Entra ID B2B collaboration to add guest users is governed by external collaboration settings, aka the Entra ID B2B collaboration policy (previously the Azure AD B2B Collaboration policy). The settings are available through the External identities section of the Entra ID admin center, where they are found under Collaboration restrictions (Figure 1).

Three options are available:
- Allow guest accounts from any external domain. This is the default.
- Deny access to guest accounts from specified domains (deny list).
- Allow access only to guest accounts from specified domains (allow list).
The total size of the policy must be less than 25 KB (25,000 characters). Each domain in an allow or deny list counts against the limit as do other policy settings. Allowing 1,000 bytes for all other settings, an average of 15 characters per domain means that an allow or deny list can accommodate up to 1,600 domains. You can only choose to have a policy with an allow or a deny list and cannot have some domains in a deny list and others in an allow list.
In my case, I use the middle approach to block guest accounts from certain domains. For instance, these might be domains belonging to direct competitors or domains used for consumer rather than business purposes. In Figure 1, you can see that I’ve decided to block access to guests with and email addresses.
Entra ID Blocks Bad Guests
Entra ID applies the block rather than applications. For example, in Figure 2, I’ve tried to add a new guest account to Teams, which doesn’t object when I enter to identify the guest. The block descends when Teams tries to create the new guest account in Entra ID. The “Something went wrong” is an uncertain error, but it should be enough for the administrator to know what’s going on when they learn where the guest comes from. OWA doesn’t object to the email address for a new guest but is no more definite in its error (Figure 3). Again, this is because the application fails to create a new guest account in Entra ID.

Knowing What Domains Guests Come From
Before going ahead to update your external collaboration settings, it’s a good idea to understand where current guest accounts come from. This code scans down through guest accounts found in Entra ID to capture details of each user’s home domain. It then populates a hash table with the domain information to create a count for each, followed by sorting in descending order to discover the most popular domains:
$Domains = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new() Connect-MgGraph -NoWelcome -Scopes Directory.Read.All [array]$Guests = (Get-MgUser -All -Filter "UserType eq 'Guest'" | Select-Object Displayname, UserPrincipalName, Mail, Id | Sort DisplayName) ForEach ($Guest in $Guests) { $Domain = ($Guest.UserPrincipalName.Split("#EXT#")[0]).Split("_")[1] $Domains.Add($Domain) } $DomainsCount = @{} $Domains = $Domains | Sort-Object $Domains | ForEach {$DomainsCount[$_]++} $DomainsCount = $DomainsCount.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending $DomainsCount Name Value ---- ----- 59 11 6 5 4 4
Now you know what domains are actively in use, you can decide which you might like to ban. Remember that putting a domain on the deny list stops only the creation of new guest accounts. Existing guest accounts remain in the membership of groups and teams. If you want to purge accounts from unwanted domains, you need to find the groups (teams) with guest members and examine each guest to decide if they can stay or be removed. It’s easy enough to find guests from banned domains with PowerShell, or so the saying goes…
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Hi Tony, I think the above helps with restricting outbound Guest invitations from your tenant. Is there anyway to restrict which domains our users can accept inbound Guest invitations from too? Thanks, Ryan.
Nope. The only control is for inbound guests. Right now, it’s an acknowledged weakness of the Azure AD collaboration model that tenant admins have zero control over what their users do in other tenants.
Thanks for confirming. Please share if you ever hear of this being changed 👍
Perhaps the limits have increased since this article was written? As of Dec 19 2022, the limit is based on maximum character limit of 25,000. “The number of domains you can add to an allowlist or blocklist is limited only by the size of the policy. This limit applies to the number of characters, so you can have a greater number of shorter domains or fewer longer domains. The maximum size of the entire policy is 25 KB (25,000 characters), which includes the allowlist or blocklist and any other parameters configured for other features.”
It’s been updated. And I updated the article. Thanks.
It’s also on page 540 of the Office 365 for IT Pros PDF. (long time subscriber).
Not now it’s not. And readers will see updated text with the release of the January update on January 1, 2023.