Table of Contents
Revealing Full Details of Authentication Methods and Why This Might Be a Privacy Issue
Soon after releasing V1.2 of the Tenant Passwords and MFA Report (to add details about per-user MFA states), I was asked if it was possible to add more information for authentication methods, like the phone number used for SMS responses. My response was that I had covered the topic of reporting the details of authentication methods in a previous article and it was simply a matter of using the code from that article, updating it slightly to deal with the device-based passkeys recently introduced for Entra ID.
Not everyone likes cracking open a PowerShell script to insert code that they didn’t write. I don’t like messing with other peoples’ code either and will usually write my own version when necessary. In any case, I found some time and upgraded the script to include the expanded details, available in V1.3 of the script in GitHub.
Reporting Authentication Methods
Figure 1 shows the information about authentication methods registered for a user account in V1.2 of the report. The information given use the names from the MethodsRegistered property returned by the Get-MgBetaReportAuthenticationMethodUserRegistrationDetail cmdlet from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.
The problem is that the names aren’t very user-friendly. If you’re used to working with authentication methods, you probably recognize the values and understand what they mean. If not, this information might be useless.
More detail about the methods is available by running the Get-MgUserAuthenticationMethod cmdlet. Even so, some manipulation is necessary to generate human-friendly output. I’d done most of the work before, so it was easy to generate more information for each method. For instance, in Figure 2 you can see the mobile phone number used for SMS challenges and the version of the Authenticator app used for push notifications.
Because the script captures details in a PowerShell list, it’s also possible to query the list to find information like who uses a YubiKey FIDO2 key with a command like:
$Report | Where-Object {$_.'Authentication Methods' -like "*Yubikey*"}
The Privacy Issue
All was going well when I realized that the information generated about authentication methods might include some PII data, like the mobile phone number used for SMS responses. In most instances, I don’t think this will be a problem because details like mobile phone numbers are often included in the properties of Entra ID user accounts. The email addresses used to recover passwords via the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) feature are often personal accounts, so they might be more of an issue.
However, the regulations covering access to PII differs from country to country and it’s a good idea to cover all bases. The script now has a PrivacyFlag parameter. It’s a switch parameter, so the value is false by default. If set to true by including the parameter when running the script or by setting the flag explicitly, the script generates the names of the authentication methods without any details.
$PrivacyFlag = $true
On to The Next Version
I am sure that many other good ideas about how to add value to a report like this exist within the community. If you do, suggest the change through the Office 365 for IT Pros GitHub repository (for this script or any of our other scripts). Many people create a fork of our repository and work on updates that way. Whatever’s easier for you…
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