Update #13 for the Office 365 for IT Pros (2019 edition) eBook is now available for subscribers to download from Gumroad (EPUB and PDF) or Amazon (Kindle). This update features changes in 14 of the 24 chapters, so it’s substantial. Just like Office 365, the book keeps on changing to keep track with new developments, best practice, and information released by Microsoft.
The Office 365 for IT Pros writing team don’t pay too much attention to ratings we receive on different sites. However, we love getting comments to tell us how we can improve. If you’ve got something to share with us, please send a comment on this site or on Facebook.
Roughly a month after our last update, we’ve issued update #8 for Office 365 for IT Pros (2019 Edition). It’s a big update with changes for 14 chapters. Please download the updated content soon!
Subscribers to the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook can now download the September 20 update from Gumroad.com or Amazon, depending on in which format they bought the book.
Everyone likes free stuff. Here’s a link to a free eBook published by Quadrotech relating their experience of introducing and using Teams.
The August 28, 2018 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available in PDF, EPUB, and Kindle formats. This is a large update for the book as we changed 13 out of 24 chapters.
Office 365 for IT Pros is the world’s best book about Office 365 tenant management. Written by world-class experts, Office 365 for IT Pros teaches readers how and why the technology works the way that it does. Here’s the history of the book from its earliest days as an idea for a book about cloud Exchange right up to the latest edition.
How do we put Office 365 for IT Pros together? The answer is simple… we work as a team!
One of the most common questions we get is why we generate a new edition every year. The answer is pretty simple. It’s reflects the pace of the cloud and the need for books to change to cover what’s happening inside Office 365. The Old Days of On-Premises Software In the “old days” of on-premises …
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