How to Determine the Age of a Microsoft 365 Tenant

Use Teams, PowerShell, or the Graph

Vasil Michev, the Technical Editor of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook, comes up with all sorts of weird and wonderful insights into Microsoft 365. A recent question he discussed on his blog was how to find the creation date for a tenant. It’s a good question because it forces respondents to know where to look for this information and is exactly the kind of poser we like to tease out as we write content for the book.

As Vasil points out, the obvious answer is to fire up the Teams admin center because the tenant creation date appears on a card displayed on its home screen (Figure 1). The Teams admin center is the only Microsoft 365 portal which shows this information. Why the Teams developers thought that it was useful to highlight the tenant creation date is unknown. After all, the date won’t change over time and static information is not usually featured by workload dashboards.

Viewing the tenant creation date in the Teams admin center
Figure 1: Viewing the tenant creation date in the Teams admin center

Opening an administrative portal is no challenge. Vasil suggests several alternate methods to retrieve the tenant creation date. It seemed like fun to try some of these methods against my tenant. Here’s what I found.

Using Exchange Online Data

If you’ve used Exchange Online from the start, you can check the creation date of the Exchange organization configuration object, created when an administrator enables Exchange Online for the first time.


Monday 27 January 2014 20:28:45

It’s an interesting result. Exchange Online reports its initiation in January 2014 while Teams is quite sure that the tenant existed in April 2011. I’ve used Exchange Online for email ever since I had a tenant, so the disconnect between Exchange Online and the tenant creation date is interesting.

Another way of checking Exchange data is to look at the creation dates for mailboxes. This PowerShell snippet finds all user mailboxes and sorts them by creation date. The first mailbox in the sorted array is the oldest, so we can report its creation date:

[array]$Mbx = Get-ExoMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Properties WhenCreated -RecipientTypeDetail UserMailbox | Sort {$_.WhenCreated -as [datetime]} 
Write-Host ("The oldest mailbox found in this tenant is {0} created on {1}" -f $Mbx[0].DisplayName, $Mbx[0].WhenCreated)

The oldest mailbox found in this tenant is Tony Redmond created on 27/01/2014 20:36:38

(Dates shown are in Ireland local format. The equivalent U.S. format date is 01/27/2014).

Grabbing all mailboxes to check their creation date will not be a fast operation. Even using the REST-based Get-ExoMailbox cmdlet from the Exchange Online management module, it will take time to retrieve all the user mailboxes in even a medium size tenant.

As it turns out, the oldest mailbox is my own, created about eight minutes after the initiation of Exchange Online. However, we’re still in 2014 when the tenant proclaims its creation in 2011, so what happened?

A search through old notes revealed that Microsoft upgraded my original Office 365 tenant created in 2011 to an enterprise version in 2014. It seems that during the tenant upgrade, Microsoft recreated the instance of Exchange Online. That explanation seems plausible.

Administrator Accounts

Another method is to examine the creation dates of administrator accounts to find the oldest account. This is usually the administrator account created during tenant setup. In other words, when you create a new tenant, you’re asked to provide the name for an account which becomes the first global administrator. If we look at the administrator accounts in the tenant and find the oldest, it should be close to the tenant creation date shown in the Teams admin center. That is, unless someone deleted the original administrator account.

Azure AD is the directory of record for every Microsoft 365 tenant, so we should check Azure AD for this information. The steps are:

  • Find the set of accounts which currently hold the global administrator role. We omit the account returned with the object id 25cbf210-02e5-4a82-9f5c-f41befd2681a as this is a service principal used by Microsoft Rights Management services (you can confirm this by running Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId 25cbf210-02e5-4a82-9f5c-f41befd2681a).
  • Check each account to find the creation date. This is slightly complicated when using the Azure AD PowerShell module because the creation date is part of the extension properties. We therefore use the Get-AzureADUserExtension cmdlet to extract the date and then store it in the array used to hold details about tenant administrators.
  • Sort the accounts by creation date and report the oldest.

Here’s the code I used:

# Find the identifier for the Azure AD Global Administrator role
$TenantAdminRole = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq ‘Global Administrator’} | Select ObjectId
# Get the set of accounts holding the global admin role. We omit the account used by
# the Microsoft Rights Management Service
$TenantAdmins = Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $TenantAdminRole.ObjectId | ? {$_.ObjectId -ne "25cbf210-02e5-4a82-9f5c-f41befd2681a"} | Select-Object ObjectId, UserPrincipalName
# Get the creation date for each of the accounts
$TenantAdmins | ForEach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Creation Date" -Value (Get-AzureADUserExtension -ObjectId $_.ObjectId ).Get_Item("createdDateTime") }
# Find the oldest account
$FirstAdmin = ($TenantAdmins | Sort-Object {$_."Creation Date" -as [datetime]} | Select -First 1)
Write-Host ("First administrative account created on {0}" -f $FirstAdmin."Creation Date")

The older Microsoft Online PowerShell module doesn’t require such a complicated approach to retrieve account creation data. Taking the code shown above and replacing the Get-AzureADUserExtension cmdlet with Get-MsOlUser, we get:

$TenantAdmins | ForEach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Creation Date" -Value ((Get-MsOlUser -ObjectId $_.ObjectId ).WhenCreated) }

Using either cmdlet, the result is:

First administrative account created on 11/04/2011 17:35:11

The Teams admin center also reports April 11, 2011, so using administrator accounts might be a viable way to determine tenant age.

Use the Graph

Microsoft 365 stores information for each tenant in the Microsoft Graph, and it’s the Graph which is the source for the Teams admin center. We can retrieve the same information by running the Graph query. The createdDateTime property returned in the organization settings is what we need.

Here’s the PowerShell code to run after obtaining the necessary access token for a registered app, which must have consent to use the Organization.Read.All Graph permission. Vasil used the beta endpoint when he showed how to fetch tenant organization settings using the Graph Explorer (which saves the need to write any code), but the V1.0 endpoint works too.

$Uri = ""
$OrgData = Invoke-RESTMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Headers
If ($OrgData) {
  Write-Host ("The {0} tenant was created on {1}" -f $Orgdata.Value.DisplayName, (Get-Date($Orgdata.Value.createdDateTime) -format g)) }

The Redmond & Associates tenant was created on 11/04/2011 18:35

The first administrator account appears to date from 17:35 while the tenant creation time is an hour later. This is easily explained because all dates stored in the Graph are in UTC whereas the dates extracted from Azure AD and reported by PowerShell reflect local time. In April 2011, local time in Ireland was an hour ahead of UTC.

An Old Tenant

After all the checks, it’s clear that I created my tenant in the early evening of April 11, 2011. Given that this was ahead of Microsoft’s formal launch of Office 365 in July 2011, I can claim to use an old tenant, for what that’s worth.

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