How to Find Delve Accounts with Disabled Document Insights

Controlling Document Insights

The Microsoft Graph Insights API proves different views of users and documents:

  • Trending: Documents a user has access to which are popular with other users.
  • Used: Documents a user has accessed recently.
  • Shared: Documents shared with a user, including email and attachments in calendar appointments.

Insights are consumed by many apps and Microsoft 365 components such as MyAnalytics, Workplace Analytics, Viva Insights for Teams, and the Office 365 profile card. Figure 1 is a Microsoft graphic to explain the use of the Insights API and its value to “drive productivity and creativity in businesses.”

The Microsoft Graph Insights API (source: Microsoft)
Figure 1: The Microsoft Graph Insights API (source: Microsoft)

Delve and Sharing

Delve was the first app to surface insights, but used Office Graph settings to allow users to decide if they wanted to reveal information about their document-centric activities. Some users never want details of their work exposed, even to people who have access to documents, because they either don’t see the need or because they wish to preserve the confidential nature of the information they work with. They can protect content by assigning a sensitivity label with encryption to confidential documents, but this won’t stop document metadata like titles showing up in insights. The feature settings for Delve therefore have a slider to control showing documents in Delve (trending, used, and shared). When the slider is Off, Delve blocks insights based on documents (Figure 2).

Delve feature settings prevent the display of documents associated with a user
Figure 2: Delve feature settings prevent the display of documents associated with a user

Moving to the New Graph Sharing Controls

In April, I wrote about how Microsoft is replacing Office Graph controls over Item Insights with Microsoft Graph controls. The change is now effective in Microsoft 365 tenants and mean that instead of user-driven control over how the Insights API reveals information, a tenant has:

  • An organization-wide setting to control insights privacy (isEnabledInOrganization). This is True if controls are active in the organization or False if not.
  • An Azure AD group to control the set of accounts who do not want to use insights (disabledForGroup). Individual users can disable insights through the Privacy options of their MyAccount page. However, this does not add their account to the group.

Access to these settings is available through the Search & Intelligence section of the Microsoft 365 admin center (Figure 3).

Settings to control item insights exposed in the Microsoft 365 admin center
Figure 3: Settings to control item insights exposed in the Microsoft 365 admin center

The question arises how to find the current set of accounts with the option disabled in Delve so that you can add the accounts to the Azure AD group. As it happens, I was asked this question by a Microsoft customer engineer who wanted to help their customer move to the new Microsoft Graph controls.

The first step is to find the set of accounts with Delve insights disabled. This cannot be done with PowerShell only because no cmdlet exists to retrieve the value of the Delve setting. Instead, we can combine PowerShell with a call to the Graph Users API. Here are the steps:

  • Get a set of accounts to check. This can be done with Get-ExoMailbox or Get-AzureADUser. We need the object identifier to make the Graph call. Either of these cmdlets wll return the necessary identifiers. I like the mailbox cmdlet because it has better filtering capabilities.
  • Loop through the set of accounts and check the value of the Delve setting (contributionToContentDiscoveryDisabled). If True (insights are disabled), report the account.
  • Generate whatever output is required (I usually create a CSV file because of its flexibility).

You can download the script I used to report users with Delve insights disabled from GitHub.

Updating the Group

The next step is to review the report and decide which accounts to add to the Azure AD group used to control item insights. To review the data, open the CSV file generated by the script (Figure 4), and remove any accounts which should not be added to the control group.

CSV file for accounts with Delve item insights disabled
Figure 4: CSV file for accounts with Delve item insights disabled

We can then use the updated CSV file as the input for a script which:

  • Retrieves some tenant details.
  • Retrieves the current privacy control settings from the Graph.
  • Fetches the current membership of the group (we assume here that one is specified).
  • Import the set of accounts from the CSV file.
  • Loop through the accounts and add them to the Azure AD group if not already a member.

The essential code to fetch the settings from the Graph and update the membership of the control group looks like this:

$InputCSV = "c:\temp\DelveDisabledAccounts.csv"
$TenantDetails = Get-AzureADTenantDetail
$TenantId = $TenantDetails.ObjectId
$TenantName = $TenantDetails.DisplayName
$Uri = "" + $TenantId + "/settings/iteminsights"
$Settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/JSON" -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing

If ($Settings.isEnabledInOrganization -ne $True) {
   Write-Host "Insights control setting not set for" $TenantName ; break }
Else {
   $DisabledGraphInsightsGroup = $Settings.disabledForGroup }

[array]$CurrentMembers = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $DisabledGraphInsightsGroup | Select -ExpandProperty ObjectId

Write-Host "Adding users to the Disabled Graph Insights Group"
$Users = Import-CSV $InputCSV
ForEach ($User in $Users) {

   If ($User.ObjectId -notin $CurrentMembers) {
      Write-Host "Adding" $User.Name
      Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $DisabledGraphInsightsGroup -RefObjectId $User.ObjectId }

I haven’t published a script to GitHub for this purpose because the code is straightforward and simple to plug into an existing script (or add to the bottom of the script mentioned above). Happy Insights!

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