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Dynamic Distribution Lists to Dynamic Microsoft 365 Groups
Earlier this week, I described how to create a Microsoft 365 group and team from an Exchange Online dynamic distribution list. The code creates a group with static membership, but the input dynamic distribution list has its membership computed by Exchange Online using a recipient filter (aka a membership rule). Why can’t we take the filter used by the dynamic distribution list and apply it to create a dynamic Microsoft 365 group, which in turn becomes a team with dynamic membership. Well, as it turns out, it’s not quite as simple as taking a filter from one Microsoft 365 workload and using it in another.
Translating Recipient Filters for Dynamic Microsoft 365 Groups
Conceptually, it is possible to convert a dynamic distribution list to a be the membership rule for a dynamic Azure AD group. Two challenges exist: filter syntax and filter properties.
The query stored in a dynamic distribution list looks like this:
((((((Title -eq 'Architect') -or (Title -eq 'Senior Architect'))) -or (((Title -eq 'Principal Architect') -and (ExchangeUserAccountControl -ne 'AccountDisabled'))))) -and (-not(Name -like 'SystemMailbox{*')) -and (-not(Name -like 'CAS_{*')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'MailboxPlan')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'DiscoveryMailbox')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'PublicFolderMailbox')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'ArbitrationMailbox')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'AuditLogMailbox')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'AuxAuditLogMailbox')) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'SupervisoryReviewPolicyMailbox')))
We know this is a custom recipient filter created using PowerShell because the properties it uses are not covered by the precanned filters created using EAC. The custom filter comes first followed by a bunch of exclusions inserted by Exchange to make sure that system mailboxes are not in the returned set. Exchange adds these exclusions automatically when it saves the recipient filter for a dynamic distribution list.
It’s technically possible to take a recipient filter from a dynamic distribution list and parse it to extract the custom part using Regex expressions. By using a function to remove special characters, I was able to process the recipient filter shown above like this:
$Filter = (Get-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity "System Architects").RecipientFilter $i = $Filter.IndexOf("-and (ExchangeUser") $f = $Filter.Substring(0,$i) $ExoFilter = Remove-StringSpecialCharacter -String $f -SpecialCharacterToKeep '-', " "
The output is:
Title -eq Architect -or Title -eq Senior Architect -or Title -eq Principal Architect
However, a complicating factor is that Exchange has changed the format of the exclusions it inserts over time. This means that you can never be sure how the recipient filter is formatted, and my code didn’t work when tested against several other dynamic distribution lists in my tenant, some of which go back to 2014.
In any case, the output I generated isn’t a valid Azure AD filter, and some additional work is needed to make it work with a dynamic Azure AD group (team). Briefly:
- Title is the name of the Exchange property. It is JobTitle in Azure AD. Also, user properties are prefixed with “User,” meaning that you end up with User.JobTitle.
- The -eq and -or operators in Exchange lose the leading hyphen in Azure AD.
Different Filterable Properties
A more fundamental issue is that while Exchange supports many mail-enabled properties for custom recipient filters in dynamic distribution lists, the set of filterable properties don’t match the set available for Azure AD. You might be able to convert some queries, but you won’t be able to convert others. The difference is accounted for by the fact that Exchange queries against its own directory, which stores details of mail-enabled objects, while Azure AD queries its directory. The two directories have different schemas.
Once I realized the extent of the incompatibility between the two sets of properties, I stopped trying to figure out how an automatic conversion could be done. Too much time would be needed to figure out the permutations and combinations involved in formatting membership rules. And given the number of times a conversion might be necessary, the easiest solution is to let human administrators generate the membership rules.
Previewing Azure AD Filters
The GUI in the Azure AD admin center to deal with dynamic groups include a rules editor. You can paste the outline of a membership rule taken from an Exchange dynamic distribution list and modify it there. The Azure AD admin center also includes a nifty preview feature to validate that a membership rule works. After making whatever changes are necessary to create a valid rule for Azure AD, you can test the rule by nominating one or more users that you know should match the membership rule. Click the validate button and Azure AD will tell you if the directory can find the users you selected using the rule (Figure 1).

Exchange Online doesn’t have a similar way to validate the membership of a dynamic distribution list. Maybe that’s why Microsoft considers dynamic Azure AD groups to be a premium feature and charges accordingly.
Creating a Dynamic Azure AD Group with PowerShell
For the record, you can create a dynamic Azure AD group with PowerShell. In this instance, I use the New-MgGroup cmdlet from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK (the New-AzureADMSGroup cmdlet from the preview version of the Azure AD module will work too). The important point is that the group has dynamic membership rather than static and has a rule to control the membership:
$Group = New-MgGroup -DisplayName "System Architects (Dynamic x2)" -Description "People with an architect job title" -MailEnabled:$True -SecurityEnabled:$True -MailNickName "System.Architects.Dynamic2" -GroupTypes "DynamicMembership", "Unified" -MembershipRule "(User.JobTitle -eq ""Architect"" or User.JobTitle eq ""Senior Architect
After creating the dynamic Azure AD group, you can team-enable it with the New-Team cmdlet by passing the identifier of the newly created group.
New-Team -GroupId $Group.Id
Incompatible schemas, properties, and syntax might stop the automatic conversion of membership rules, but you can at least get the job done with a little manual effort.
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