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Finding Teams in Groups
The fastest way to fetch the list of Teams in a Microsoft 365 tenant programmatically is to use the Graph API. PowerShell is fast enough in small tenants, but once there’s more than a couple of hundred teams (groups) to process, the Graph is usually a better choice. Unless you’ve got time to wait, of course.
I cover the topic in an article explaining how to fetch a list of Teams using the Groups endpoint. Because the Groups API returns all types of groups, you apply a filter to find the set of Microsoft 365 Groups which are team-enabled. For PowerShell, the commands needed to execute the Graph API call are:
$Uri = “`$filter=resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team')” [array]$Teams = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Headers | ConvertFrom-Json
The filter used with the query is a Lambda operator. In this case, it requests the Graph to return any Groups it finds where the provisioning option is set to “Team.” Using a filter to find Teams is a well-known technique exploited by developers: we use it in the Graph-based version of the Teams and Groups Activity Report script.
New API to Make it Easier to List Teams
In December, Microsoft published a new List Teams API in the beta version of the Graph. The API access the Teams endpoint `to fetch a list of teams without using a filter and works with both delegated and application permissions. Apps need consent for one of the Team.ReadBasic.All, TeamSettings.Read.All, TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All permissions to use the API. You can apply filters to the List Teams API to find specific teams if you don’t want the full set. The equivalent code to fetch all the teams in the tenant is:
$Uri = "" [array]$Teams = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Headers | ConvertFrom-Json
Remember that the Graph uses paging to return data, so code needs to be prepared to process multiple pages of data to acquire the full set of teams.
In both cases, the set of Teams returned by the query is in an array called Value. In other words, to see the details of individual teams, you access the array using $Teams.Value. For example, the first team is available using $Teams.Value[0], the second with $Teams.Value[1], and so on. The count of teams returned in the array is available with $Teams.Value.Count. In the case of the Teams List API, it’s also available as $Teams.’@odata.count’.
Beta Queries
The List Teams API currently returns just three properties for a team. Here’s what you get for a team:
$Teams[0] id : 109ae7e9-1f94-48d1-9972-64abab87b89a createdDateTime : displayName : French Customers description : Delivering great service to French customers internalId : classification : specialization : visibility : webUrl : isArchived : isMembershipLimitedToOwners : memberSettings : guestSettings : messagingSettings : funSettings : discoverySettings :
To get the other team properties (for instance, the archive status for a team), you must query the properties of an individual team. This isn’t difficult, and the same downside exists if you use the Groups endpoint to fetch a list of Teams. That endpoint returns many properties for a group, but not the teams properties.
The Graph Explorer is a good way to try out the new API. Make sure that you sign into your tenant and have consent to use at least the Team.ReadBasic.All permission. Then input a query and see what happens. Figure 1 shows the result of running the query:$filter=startswith(displayName, ‘Office 365’) to return the set of teams whose display name starts with Office 365. As noted above, along with the properties of the individual teams, the query also returns the count in @odata.count.

No Need to Update Now
If your programs or scripts often need to retrieve a list of teams for processing, you should keep an eye on the List Teams API to track its development. For now, there’s no need to update existing code. In time, it might be the case that the new API delivers better performance than going through the Groups endpoint or that the query returns all team properties without having to retrieve individual teams. Better performance and functionality are always welcome. Let’s see what happens as the new API makes its way from beta to production.
Learn how to exploit the Office 365 data available to tenant administrators through PowerShell and the Graph with the help of the many examples in the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. We love figuring out how things work.