New Sensitivity Labels Setting Controls SharePoint Site Sharing Permissions

A new sensitivity label setting is available (in preview) to control site sharing permissions for SharePoint Online sites. The new setting is an advanced setting, meaning that it can only be set using the PowerShell Set-Label cmdlet. It’s a welcome addition to the control sensitivity labels can exert over containers.

Control Default Sharing Link Settings for Sites and Documents with Sensitivity Labels

New PowerShell commands for sensitivity labels can configure default sharing link settings for SharePoint Online sites. Any site assigned a label configured for default sharing links inherits those settings within 24 hours. Also available is the ability to apply default sharing link settings at a per-document basis.

How Sensitivity Labels Control the External Sharing Capability of SharePoint Online Sites

The latest update for sensitivity labels allows them to control the external sharing capability of SharePoint Online sites. It’s a powerful example of policy-based management in action and demonstrates just how useful sensitivity labels will be as Microsoft steadily builds out the set of controls available through labels.