Office 365 Reaches 345 Million Paid Seats

Microsoft’s FY22 Q3 results disclose a ton of success for the Microsoft Cloud, with revenues now approaching an annualized run rate of $100 billion. We got a new number for Office 365 users too and learned that Microsoft has 345 million paid seats for Office 365. Good progress too for Enterprise Mobility and Security and Azure Active Directory. All in all, great results.

Office 365 Insights from Microsoft’s FY21 Q2 Results

Microsoft released their FY21 Q2 results on Tuesday. Buried in the details were several nuggets relating to Office 365.. Here are the interesting bits including some detail on the penetration of Teams into large organizations and a new number for Azure AD users.

Teams Powers Office 365 Growth

Microsoft reported that Office 365 now has 258 million paid seats (not the same as active users) and Teams has reached 75 million daily active users. That’s impressive growth, with Office 365 adding 58 million extra seats in the last six months. Teams has done even better, sprinting from 20 million to 75 million. The Office 365 infrastructure sometimes shows the strain of handling all the extra users, but some new functionality delivered recently helps.