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Planner User Policy Stops Task and Plan Deletions


Running the Set-PlannerUserPolicy Cmdlet Has an Unexpected Effect

Although Planner supports a Graph API, the API focuses on management of plans, tasks, buckets, categories, and other objects used in the application rather than plan settings like notifications or backgrounds. It’s good at reporting plans and tasks or populating tasks in a plan, but the API also doesn’t include any support for tenant-wide application settings. In most cases, these gaps don’t matter. The Planner UI has the necessary elements to deal with notification and background settings, neither of which are likely changed all that often. But tenant-wide settings are a dirty secret of Planner. Let me explain why.

The Planner Tenant Admin PowerShell Module

In 2018, Microsoft produced the Planner Tenant Admin PowerShell module. With such a name, you’d expect this module to manage important settings for Planner. That is, until you read the instructions about how to use the module, which document the odd method chosen by the Planner development group distribute and install the software.

Even the Microsoft Commerce team, who probably have the reputation for the worst PowerShell module in Microsoft 365, manage to publish their module through the PowerShell Gallery. But Planner forces tenant administrators to download a ZIP file, “unblock” two files, and manually load the module. The experience is enough to turn off many administrators from interacting with Planner PowerShell.

But buried in this unusual module is the ability to block users from being able to delete tasks created by other people. Remember that most plans are associated with Microsoft 365 Groups. The membership model for groups allows members to have the same level of access to group resources, including tasks in a plan. Anyone can delete tasks in a plan, and that’s not good when Planner doesn’t support a recycle bin or another recovery mechanism.

What the Set-PlannerUserPolicy Cmdlet Does

The Set-PlannerUserPolicy cmdlet from the Planner Tenant Admin PowerShell module allows tenant administrators to block users from deleting tasks created by other people. It’s the type of function that you’d imagine should be in plan settings where a block might apply to plan members. Or it might be a setting associated with a sensitivity label that applied to all plans in groups assigned the label. Alternatively, a setting in the Microsoft 365 admin center could impose a tenant-wide block.

In any case, none of those implementations are available. Instead, tenant administrators must run the Set-PlannerUserPolicy cmdlet to block individual users with a command like:

Set-PlannerUserPolicy -UserAadIdOrPrincipalName -BlockDeleteTasksNotCreatedBySelf $True

The Downside of the Set-PlannerUserPolicy Cmdlet

The point of this story is that assigning the policy to a user account also blocks the ability of the account to delete plans, even if the account is a group owner. This important fact is not mentioned in any Microsoft documentation.

I discovered the problem when investigating how to delete a plan using PowerShell. It seemed a simple process. The Remove-MgPlannerPlan cmdlet from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK requires the planner identifier and its “etag” to delete a plan. This example deletes the second plan in a set returned by the Get-MgPlannerPlan cmdlet:

[array]$Plans = Get-MgPlannerPlan -GroupId $GroupId
$Plan = $Plans[1]
$Tag = $Plan.additionalProperties.'@odata.etag' 
Remove-MgPlannerPlan -PlannerPlanId $Plan.Id -IfMatch $Tag

The same problem occurred when running the equivalent Graph API request:

$Headers = @{}
$Headers.Add("If-Match", $plan.additionalproperties['@odata.etag'])
$Uri = ("{0}" -f $Plan.Id)
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri $Uri -Method Delete -Headers $Headers

In both cases, the error was 403 forbidden with explanatory text like:

{"error":{"code":"","message":"You do not have the required permissions to access this item, or the item may not exist.","innerError":{"date":"2024-06-13T17:10:10","request-id":"d5bf922c-ea9b-48c6-9629-d9749ab7ec51","client-request-id":"6a533cf8-4396-4743-acf1-a40c32dd11bc"}}}

Even more bafflingly, the Planner browser client refused to let me delete a plan too. At least, the client accepted the request but then failed with a very odd error (Figure 1). After dismissing the error, my access to the undeleted plan continued without an issue.

Figure 1: The Planner browser app declines to delete a plan

A Mystery Solved

Fortunately, I have some contacts inside Microsoft that were able to check why my attempts to delete plans failed and report back that the deletion policy set on my account blocked the removal of both tasks created by other users and plans. The first block was expected, the second was not. I’m glad that the mystery is solved but underimpressed that Microsoft does not document this behavior. They might now…

The moral of the story is not to run PowerShell cmdlets unless you know what their effect would be. I wish someone told me that a long time ago.

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