Microsoft Clamps Down on PST Storage in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business

Microsoft will soon impose a limit on the number of PST versions kept by SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. PST files have no business being in cloud storage, so this is a reasonable step. People shouldn’t keep PSTs in SharePoint or OneDrive document libraries and organizations shouldn’t let them. In fact, you should block PSTs from OneDrive synchronization and make plans to eradicate these pesky files.

OneDrive Clients and Version History

OneDrive clients have access to version history for files stored in SharePoint Online and OneDrive (business and consumer). Until they don’t, which is why I am grumpy today. As it turns out, the feature works on one PC but not another, and that’s super-frustrating.

Why SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business Have a One Hundred Version Minimum

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business sites will soon boast 100 minimum versions, which they need to power features like AutoSave and OneDrive Restore. But if you work for an organization that doesn’t want to use so many versions for files, you can update your SharePoint tenant configuration to disable minimum versioning. That is, provided you do so by September 30, 2018.