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Disabling Bits of Copilot for Microsoft 365


Exerting Control Over Individual Copilot for Microsoft 365 Components

No doubt inspired by the article explaining how to remove individual features (service plans) from Microsoft 365 licenses, a reader asked if it is possible to control where Copilot for Microsoft 365 functionality surfaces in different apps. There’s no GUI in the Microsoft 365 admin center to disable bits of Copilot for a tenant. You can disable apps belonging to the Copilot license for a user account (Figure 1), but the question is what apps are bundled with Copilot for Microsoft 365 and what happens if administrators disable the apps for users.

Figure 1: Copilot for Microsoft 365 apps for a user account

The Copilot for Microsoft 365 Service Plans

Looking into the details of the Copilot for Microsoft 365 license with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, we discover that the product (SKU) identifier is 639dec6b-bb19-468b-871c-c5c441c4b0cb and that the license covers eight service plans. As you’ll recall, a service plan governs functionality within a license that can be enabled or disabled. The Microsoft 365 admin center refers to service plans as apps when displaying the license information for a user.

Here’s how to find the license detail with PowerShell:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Directory.Read.All -NoWelcome
$CopilotSKU = Get-MgSubscribedSku | Where-Object SkuPartNumber -match "Microsoft_365_Copilot"
$CopilotSku.ServicePlans | Format-Table ServicePlanName, ServicePlanId

ServicePlanName                    ServicePlanId
---------------                    -------------
COPILOT_STUDIO_IN_COPILOT_FOR_M365 fe6c28b3-d468-44ea-bbd0-a10a5167435c
M365_COPILOT_SHAREPOINT            0aedf20c-091d-420b-aadf-30c042609612
GRAPH_CONNECTORS_COPILOT           82d30987-df9b-4486-b146-198b21d164c7
M365_COPILOT_CONNECTORS            89f1c4c8-0878-40f7-804d-869c9128ab5d
M365_COPILOT_APPS                  a62f8878-de10-42f3-b68f-6149a25ceb97
M365_COPILOT_TEAMS                 b95945de-b3bd-46db-8437-f2beb6ea2347
M365_COPILOT_BUSINESS_CHAT         3f30311c-6b1e-48a4-ab79-725b469da960
M365_COPILOT_INTELLIGENT_SEARCH    931e4a88-a67f-48b5-814f-16a5f1e6028d

Table 1 summarizes the service plans included in the Copilot for Microsoft 365 license.

Service Plan NameUser Friendly Feature NameService Plan Id
GRAPH_CONNECTORS_COPILOTGraph Connectors in Microsoft 365 Copilot82d30987-df9b-4486-b146-198b21d164c7
M365_COPILOT_INTELLIGENT_SEARCHIntelligent Search (Semantic Index)931e4a88-a67f-48b5-814f-16a5f1e6028d
M365_COPILOT_BUSINESS_CHATMicrosoft Copilot with Graph-grounded chat3f30311c-6b1e-48a4-ab79-725b469da960
M365_COPILOT_TEAMSMicrosoft 365 Copilot in Microsoft Teamsb95945de-b3bd-46db-8437-f2beb6ea2347
M365_COPILOT_APPSMicrosoft 365 Copilot in Productivity Apps (Office)a62f8878-de10-42f3-b68f-6149a25ceb97
M365_COPILOT_CONNECTORSPower Platform Connectors in Microsoft 365 Copilot89f1c4c8-0878-40f7-804d-869c9128ab5d
M365_COPILOT_SHAREPOINTMicrosoft 365 Copilot in SharePoint0aedf20c-091d-420b-aadf-30c042609612
COPILOT_STUDIO_IN_COPILOT_FOR_M365Copilot Studiofe6c28b3-d468-44ea-bbd0-a10a5167435c
Table 1: Copilot for Microsoft 365 Service Plans
COPILOT_STUDIO_IN_COPILOT_FOR_M365Copilot Studiofe6c28b3-d468-44ea-bbd0-a10a5167435c

What the Copilot for Microsoft 365 Service Plans Do

The Copilot service plans split into those governing user-facing features and background or administrative functionality.

User functionality:

Teams and the productivity apps support Copilot in the desktop, browser, and mobile platforms.

Background and administrative functionality:

Figure 2: Copilot Studio

Turning Off Bits of Copilot

Getting back to the original question, control is available over the chat app, Copilot in Teams, and the generalized bucket of productivity apps. For example, you cannot turn off Copilot for Word and Excel and have it available in PowerPoint and Outlook. The productivity apps are either enabled or disabled for Copilot. Granular control isn’t available.

Copilot for Office depends on the Microsoft 365 enterprise apps (subscription version of Office). Using another version, like Office 2024 (preview available now) isn’t possible because these apps don’t include the necessary UI and code to communicate with Copilot.

The answer to the question is that you can turn bits of Copilot for Microsoft 365 off. For instance, not everyone needs access to Copilot Studio. I’m not sure that I would disable any of the other service plans for background and administrative activity because you don’t know if the action might affect how the user-facing apps work. Disabling a user app certainly works and the license change will be effective within fifteen minutes for browser-based apps (Figure 3) and a few hours for desktop apps, depending on when the app refreshes its license information.

Figure 3: Microsoft Copilot chat discovers that it doesn’t have a license

But if an organization is paying $360/year for Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses, surely the imperative is to extract maximum value for the investment instead of restricting what people can use? But if you do decide to disable service plans from the Copilot for Microsoft 365 license, the script will happily do the job for you.

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