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Primer: Using the MFCMAPI Utility to See Inside Exchange Online Mailboxes


MFCMAPI Exposes Data Stored by Microsoft 365 Apps in Exchange Online Mailboxes

I regularly use the MFCMAPI program to help understand the contents stored in Exchange Online mailboxes. When I mention this, people often look at me as if I have two heads. They have questions like what magic exists in MFCMAPI and how do I use the magic? That discussion could probably take hours, but let’s see if I can deliver a primer on how to get and use the program.

MFCMAPI Origins and Current Status

MFCMAPI originated as a program written by Microsoft escalation engineers to help debug Outlook desktop. This 2014 article explains some of the background. However, MFCMAPI was available several years beforehand, perhaps starting in 2008 or thereabouts. Since then, it’s been used for a variety of purposes (including creating Outlook profiles) and exporting mailbox data. You can also move or rename folders. However, modifying mailbox data with a low-level utility is not a recommended course of action because you could do serious damage to the mailbox.

I don’t think I have ever created anything with MFCMAPI; my use has always been to poke around the innards of a mailbox to discover what apps store there. In an on-premises environment, a mailbox stores email and some mailbox settings. But in the cloud, Exchange Online mailboxes are used by apps for a variety of purposes such as storing compliance records and Teams attendance records, mostly so that the data is indexed and becomes accessible to Search and services like eDiscovery. User mailboxes are a very convenient place for Microsoft 365 apps to store information and that’s why the program is so useful for administrators who want to understand how apps store data.

Today, Microsoft maintains MFCMAPI through a GitHub project. Stephen Griffin, one of the original brains behind MFCMAPI, still works on the code. You can download the latest release from GitHub. For instance, the latest 64-bit version is available in


MFCMAPI is only able to access user mailboxes, which it does through an Outlook profile. Before launching the program, go to Outlook desktop and make sure that the Outlook profile does not enable cached Exchange mode. If it does, MFCMAPI is limited to accessing synchronized folders and many of the more interesting server-based folders are inaccessible.

Now launch MFCMAPI and choose Logon from the Session menu. MFCMAPI displays a prompt to select the Outlook profile to use and then signs into your account using the information in the profile and lists the message stores available to the profile (Figure 1). Because MFCMAPI uses Outlook profiles for sign-ins, you can’t use the program to open anything other than user or shared mailboxes. This is logical because when the program started, objects like group mailboxes didn’t exist.

Figure 1: A set of message stores available in MFCMAPI

Although MFCMAPI lists public folders, you’ll see an error if you try and access them with the program.

Accessing Folders

Select the default store (marked with True in the Default Store column). This is your primary mailbox and double click to open the store. MFCMAPI opens a separate window positioned at the Root Container in the store. This is the root of everything in the mailbox – both the folders visible to users (IPM folders) and those never revealed by clients (non-IPM folders).

Click on Root Container to reveal the set of folders underneath. In Figure 2 you can see some of the folders contained in the mailbox. Three are highlighted:

Figure 2: Folders listed under the Root Container

As a simple example of what MFCMAPI can reveal, double-click on the TeamsMessagesData folder. The program opens another window to list the items in the folder (Figure 3). Remember, this is a non-IPM folder, so users don’t know of its existence.

Figure 3: Items in a mailbox folder

The lower pane shows the MAPI properties of the item like its creation date. Message items can have hundreds of properties, many of which are only understood by the generating app. In this instance, the text of the message sent in a Teams chat is available in the PR_HTML property (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Examining the PR_HTML property for a Teams compliance record

The important thing here is that the compliance record is stored as a mailbox item. It is a partial version of the actual Teams message posted in the chat that caused the substrate to create the compliance item. These items exist to allow Microsoft Search to index the content of the chat and eDiscovery searches to find them when necessary.

Enough for a Primer

I think that’s enough for a primer on this topic. There’s lots more that can be done with MFCMAPI, but it serves a useful purpose even if you just use the program to understand what’s in Exchange Online mailboxes. Explore your own mailbox to see what you can find hidden behind the scenes. It can be very revealing!

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