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I’m always on the lookout for tools that might help tenant administrators understand more about the technology they manage. The EntraExporter tool is an example of the kind of utility that I consider to be both valuable and interesting.

EntraExporter is a community-developed PowerShell module designed to export information about the objects and policies in an Entra ID instance for a tenant to JSON files. It’s a way of capturing information about objects like user accounts, groups, administrative units, organization branding, subscriptions, and policies to record of current settings. This is not a backup product, but it is an excellent way of noting the exact configuration of an Entra ID tenant at a point in time.

Installing EntraExporter

To install EntraExporter, run the Install-Module command (this assumes that the PowerShell gallery is a trusted repository). I used this command rather than the example in the documentation:

Install-Module EntraExporter -Scope Allusers

I always install PowerShell modules with Scope AllUsers to force PowerShell to put the module files in $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\Modules. From PowerShell 6 onward, Install-Module installs modules in $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules if no scope is defined. This is fine unless you redirect Windows known folders to OneDrive, in which case you end up with module files in OneDrive. The script I wrote to update PowerShell modules used by Office 365/Microsoft 365 installs and updates modules in $env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\Modules.

The EntraExporter team recommends that you use PowerShell 7 to run the tool.

Running EntraExporter

EntraExporter uses the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to extract information from Entra ID. As the tool runs interactively, it uses delegate permissions, which is fine because the tool only exports information. However, EntraExporter needs a bunch of permissions to access the different objects and policies it processes, so the connect command is:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Directory.Read.All', 'Policy.Read.All', 'IdentityProvider.Read.All', 'Organization.Read.All', 'User.Read.All', 'EntitlementManagement.Read.All', 'UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All', 'IdentityUserFlow.Read.All', 'APIConnectors.Read.All', 'AccessReview.Read.All', 'Agreement.Read.All', 'Policy.Read.PermissionGrant', 'PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources', 'PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureAD', 'Application.Read.All'

The SDK seeks consent for the permissions when you run the command to connect:


The signed in user running EntraExporter must grant consent to the requested permissions to access the data (Figure 1). Again, consenting to the requested set of permissions is fine, if you remember that the service principal for the SDK retains consent to use those permissions in future. I’ve written about the way that the SDK accrues Graph permissions over time and possible solutions.

 Requesting consent for the Graph permissions used by EntraExporter
Figure 1: Requesting consent for the Graph permissions used by EntraExporter

One thing I do not like about the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is the way that its enterprise app proclaims itself to be “unverified.” Any Microsoft app in widespread use should be verified to give tenant administrators more confidence about the app’s provenance.

EntraExporter can run in an Azure Automation runbook. To make this possible, make sure that:

Exporting Entra ID Information

With all the necessary permissions in place, I ran the Export-Entra script with the All parameter to export as much directory information as possible. The documentation notes that “B2C, B2B, Static Groups and group memberships, Applications, Service Principals, Users, Privileged Identity Management (built in roles, default roles settings, non-permanent role assignments)” are not exported by default.

Export-Entra -Path 'C:\EntraID\' -All

Various filters are available to select the exact directory information to export, but I wanted to see everything!

How EntraExporter Works

All the EntraExporter code is available in GitHub for your perusal. A quick review identified that the driving force behind the export is the schema defined in Get-EEDefaultSchema.ps1, which tells the exporter the types of objects to export and how to export them. For instance, here’s the definition for user accounts:

# Users
            GraphUri = 'users'
            Path = 'Users'
            Filter = $null
            QueryParameters = @{ '$count' = 'true'; expand = "extensions" }
            ApiVersion = 'beta'
            Tag = @('All', 'Users')
            DelegatedPermission = 'Directory.Read.All'
            ApplicationPermission = 'Directory.Read.All'

Apart from the slight glitch obvious in Figure 1 (reproducible in the Graph Explorer), everything went smoothly when running an export. The time taken to process an export depends on how many objects are in a tenant directory, particularly groups and users (because they tend to be most numerous). Running a full export can take time because of the need to enumerate group memberships and details of service principals. For a small to medium tenant, expect that everything will be done in 10-15 minutes.

EntraExporter hits an error exporting details of administration units
Figure 2: EntraExporter hits an error exporting details of administration units

The export results in a set of folders in the target location. In Figure 3, you can set the set of folders (one for each type defined in the schema). The content of each folder are the JSON files generated by EntraExporter. If there are many objects, the JSON output for individual objects are in their own folder. This is what you see in Figure 3, where each user object has a folder named after the user account object identifier.

Files generated by EntraExporter
Figure 3: Files generated by EntraExporter

Opening a JSON file reveals the properties of an object. Figure 4 shows the JSON file for a user object viewed through Visual Studio Code.

JSON properties of a user account generated by EntraExporter
Figure 4: JSON properties of a user account generated by EntraExporter

Not Perfect But Entra Exporter’s a Nice Tool to Have

No doubt some will consider Entra Exporter a simple tool of little use because it doesn’t come with features like the ability to reconstruct an object from the exported data. But that’s missing the point. Many organizations have written their own versions of Entra Exporter to capture configurations because they need this data for different reasons (auditing, change control, etc.). The advantage of Entra Exporter is that a tool is available for free that is written in PowerShell and therefore very customizable if it doesn’t meet your exact needs.

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