Teams Gets New Channels UI

New Teams Channels Experience Rolls Out in Mid-June

Announced in a Teams blog post in October 2022 and confirmed in MC550081 (May 3, 2023, Microsoft 365 roadmap item 91683), Microsoft plans to roll out a ā€œnew channels experienceā€ for Teams in early June (commercial and GCC tenants). The UI refresh is available for both the classic and V2.1 client in desktop, browser, and mobile clients. The V2.1 implementation has some extra tweaks that arenā€™t in the classic client. The old channels experience will disappear from the classic client once the roll-out is complete in late June. GCC-H and DoD tenants get the refresh about a month later.

According to Microsoft, the new experience has ā€œan intuitive design that allows teams to focus and stay on tasks, bring everyone up to speed, and actively engage in real time.ā€ The description begs the question of if it is so intuitive, why has Microsoft taken seven years to figure out that the old UI needed improvement? Thatā€™s a rhetorical questionā€¦

What’s in the New Teams Channels Experience

To be fair, I have used the new channels UI for several months. My view is that the new UI is better than the old because itā€™s cleaner and easier to use. Hereā€™s my commentary on the features listed by Microsoft in MC550081.

The compose box (ā€œStart a new postā€) relocates from the bottom to the top of the page with the most recent conversations immediately beneath (Figure 1). The original Teams UI featured a nondescript compose box that Microsoft improved in 2020 with the introduction of the New conversation button. Now theyā€™ve decided that putting the option to create a new conversation at the top of the page is better. No doubt testing proves their assertion that ā€œitā€™ll now be much easter to start a new post.ā€

The new Teams channels experience puts the compose box at the top of the page
Figure 1: New Teams Channels Experience puts the compose box at the top of the page

Like a chat, users can pop out conversations to a separate window (Figure 2). In many respects, working in a channel conversation is like working in a Teams chat because the new layout to read posts in a conversation looks very much like a chat. After reading through a conversation, a Go to channel button in the top right-hand corner reveals other channel conversations. User muscle memory needs some retraining to understand the nuances of moving from reading items in an individual conversation to browsing the channel.

The new Teams channels experience supports pop-out conversations
Figure 2: New Teams Channels Experience supports pop-out conversations

Microsoft mentions pinning posts, something thatā€™s been available for conversations since 2021. I donā€™t know why they highlight this capability for the new channels UI except that pinned posts appear in ā€œa streamlined information paneā€ along with other information like the membership of the team.

streamlined channel information pane
Figure 3: The streamlined information pane

ā€œSimplified badgingā€ make it easier for people to understand when new unread items are present. I donā€™t really know what Microsoft means by simplified badging, but this might be due to ongoing exposure to the new UI. A small New badge highlights new unread messages. Teams also bolds the names of authors of unread messages in the channel list. Maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s meant.

Features Not Mentioned

The October 2022 blog post covers some items not mentioned in MC550081. Conversations support Viva Topics (a feature already available in chats), but I see no trace of customizable channel headers or posting video clips in conversations. Video messages are also already in chat, so itā€™s only a matter of time before they appear in channel conversations (hopefully, Microsoft will address the compliance issue with video messages first). While youā€™re waiting for video clips, you can always create a video in Stream and post it to a conversation.

The Importance of a Subject

I would have liked it if Microsoft did something to require users to provide a subject for a new conversation. I think making a subject mandatory for new conversations should be optional, perhaps through a channel setting. Highlighting the start of a new discussion with a well-chosen subject just seems like common sense to me as it makes it easier to browse a channel to find conversations of interest. Many people ignore the wisdom of including a subject for new conversations, including some who should know better, and itā€™s infuriating.

New Teams Channels Experience Delivers Incremental Change

The new channels experience is an improvement. Like many UI advances, itā€™s more of an incremental tweak than earthshattering advance. But even so, itā€™s still good to see the improvements arrive. If only Microsoft allowed channels to be configured with mandatory subjectsā€¦

So much change, all the time. Itā€™s a challenge to stay abreast of all the updates Microsoft makes across Office 365. Subscribe to the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook to receive monthly insights into what happens, why it happens, and what new features and capabilities mean for your tenant.

6 Replies to “Teams Gets New Channels UI”

  1. Is it possible to write posts from up to down, as expected? Who is this neurodiversity author of “innovation”???
    It’s a craziest solution to reverse order of messages in channels!

  2. This is the worst change they could have made! We’re having trouble with he Teams channels addoption as is – having them separated from chats is already a deterrent to using them. Now they’ve decided to change the chat direction to the opposite of any decent UI in existence!

    I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous how far they are going to differentiate themselves from other solutions. For a tool that no one chooses but is used due to licensing convenience they should avoid rocking the boat. This kind of “against the grain” changes to the UI is what will make companies abandon Teams.

  3. Announcement posts seem to have dropped support for a customised announcement background banner šŸ™ It was one of the best features of Teams classic channels experience!

  4. Is there a way to have Teams revert back to just going to said channel when you get a new message without having to click on “Go to channel”… very annoying to have to click that every time I get a new message.

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