Microsoft Online Services PowerShell module – Office 365 for IT Pros Mastering Office 365 and Microsoft 365 Tue, 02 Apr 2024 22:01:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Microsoft Online Services PowerShell module – Office 365 for IT Pros 32 32 150103932 Time Running Out for AzureAD and MSOL PowerShell Modules Tue, 04 Apr 2023 01:00:00 +0000

Last Gasp for AzureAD PowerShell Retirement as Deadline Approaches

Updated 2 April 2024

Microsoft’s original announcement about the deprecation of the AzureAD and Microsoft Online Services (MSOL) PowerShell modules goes back to 26 August, 2021. At that time, Microsoft wanted to have the retirement done by June 30, 2022. Customer pushback duly ensued and Microsoft decided to push the dates out another year to allow customers more time to upgrade their scripts. They subsequently deferred the deprecation for a further nine months to March 30, 2024. The time for the AzureAD PowerShell retirement is now rapidly approaching.

This was the only sensible course of action. The Graph APIs for dealing with many Entra ID user account interactions, especially license assignments, were sadly undocumented. The suggestion of using cmdlets from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK ran into difficulties because some of the cmdlets didn’t work as expected. Allied to that, the documentation for the SDK cmdlets remains poor and inscrutable at times. These issues have largely been addressed.

Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK Improved Over Time

Time is a great healer and allows for improvements to be made. The Graph Explorer works better and the Graph X-Ray tool reveals details about how Microsoft uses Graph calls in places like the Microsoft Entra admin center.

In addition, Microsoft developed documentation to help people migrate scripts, including a cmdlet map to translate old cmdlets to new. The important thing to realize here is that automatic translation from one set of cmdlets to the other is difficult. People code in PowerShell in different ways and it’s not always clear how to translate code to a new cmdlet. Some community-based projects do exist (here’s a new one that is spinning up), but any attempt to covert to SDK cmdlets must take the SDK foibles into consideration, like its fundamental disregard for the PowerShell pipeline.

But mostly time allowed people to share their knowledge about how to use SDK cmdlets to automate administrative tasks like user and group management. For instance, here’s a writeup I did about license management for Entra ID user accounts using the SDK, and here’s another covering how to create a license report for Entra ID user accounts.

What Will Happen Between Now and the Final AzureAD PowerShell Retirement

But time eventually runs out and we are now at the point where Microsoft will soon retire the AzureAD and MSOL modules. Here’s my understanding of the situation:

  • The licensing cmdlets from the AzureAD and MSOL modules do not work for tenants created after November 1, 2022. These tenants must use Graph APIs or SDK cmdlets to manage license assignments for Entra ID user accounts.
  • For all tenants, March 30, 2024 is the official deprecation date for the licensing cmdlets in the AzureAD and MSOL modules.
  • Apart from the cmdlets that assign or work with licenses, deprecation doesn’t mean “stop working.” Microsoft blocks the cmdlets that to Entra ID user accounts. This is in line with the warning posted on July 29, 2022, that “Customers may notice performance delays as we approach the retirement deadline,” The affected cmdlets are:
    • Set-MsolUserLicenseSet-AzureADUserLicense
    • New-MsolUser (where the creation of an account includes a license assignment)
The Set-AzureADUserLicense cmdlet stopped  working on June 30, 2023

AzureAD PowerShell retirement
Figure 1: The Set-AzureADUserLicense cmdlet stopped working on June 30, 2023
  • After March 30, 2024, the AzureAD and MSOL modules are deprecated and unsupported apart from security fixes. With the notable exception of the licensing cmdlets, Microsoft says that the modules will continue to function until March 30, 2025. At that point, Microsoft will retire the AzureAD and MSOL modules. Cmdlets from the two modules might still run, but no guarantees exist that they will be successful. In other words, scripts might fail without warning.

The Bottom Line About the AzureAD PowerShell Retirement

The AzureAD and MSOL modules are now on borrowed time. If you haven’t already started to upgrade scripts to use the Graph APIs or the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, scripts that use these modules could encounter an unpleasant failure very soon. It’s time to get busy to make sure that all scripts are migrated to run using the SDK cmdlets before March 30, 2024.

The Office 365 for IT Pros eBook includes hundreds of examples of working with Microsoft 365 through PowerShell. We explain how to run Microsoft Graph API queries through PowerShell and how to use the cmdlets from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK in a very practical and approachable manner.

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Imminent Deprecation of Azure AD PowerShell Modules Creates Knowledge Gap in Documentation Tue, 05 Jul 2022 01:00:00 +0000

Microsoft and Other Documentation Needs Updating

Microsoft announced their intention to retire the Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) and Azure AD Graph API in June 2020. A consequence of this decision meant the retirement of the Azure AD PowerShell modules, including the now very old Microsoft Online Services (MSOL) module. Even though Microsoft has pushed the retirement date out to June 30, 2023, the writing is on the wall for these modules.

Tenants will feel the first effect on March 31, 2023, when Microsoft 365 moves to a new license management platform. At that time, the PowerShell cmdlets for license assignment will stop working. Microsoft’s guidelines for converting from the old cmdlets to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK include the blunt phrase that “there is currently no tool to automatically convert scripts.” In other words, it’s time to get coding, testing, and preparing to switchover. Good documentation is at a premium during conversions, and that’s an issue right now.

With two years’ warning, we can hardly plead a lack of awareness when the change happens., but with time running out, I don’t detect any great pressure. Maybe people will change when license management scripts and products stop working, or users report strange errors. It’s odd.

The Problem Lurking in Microsoft Documentation

One thing that might not be helping is the continued use of Azure AD and MSOL PowerShell examples in Microsoft documentation. After all, if the official documentation gives implicit approval to these modules, why bother changing? And to be fair, apart from license management, all the cmdlets will continue to work past the retirement date. There just won’t be any support or future updates.

Take the documentation to delete or restore user mailboxes in Exchange Online. This includes four references to the old Remove-MsolUser cmdlet as the text explains to readers how to remove an Azure AD user account permanently from the Azure AD recycle bin (Figure 1).

Microsoft documentation recommends the use of the obsolete Remove-MsolUser cmdlet

Azure AD PowerShell
Figure 1: Microsoft documentation recommends the use of the obsolete Remove-MsolUser cmdlet

It would be more impactful if the documentation used Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlets or Graph API requests. For example, here’s how to use a Graph API request to retrieve the list of deleted Azure AD accounts in the recycle bin:

$Uri = ""
[array]$DeletedUsers = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Get
ForEach ($Account in $DeletedUsers.Value) { Write-Host $Account.displayname, $ }
… select a user and then
Remove-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId <Guid for deleted account>

This is an example where using a Graph API request is easier than the equivalent Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlet (Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItem – see this example). The point is that if Microsoft documentation featured methods that customers can use in the future instead of the soon-to-be-deprecated modules, it would encourage tenant administrators to adopt those methods.

To be fair to Microsoft, they have tons of pages to update with new examples. However, it’s something that I think should happen sooner rather than later to nudge people along the path to where they should go.

The Problem with Azure AD Examples Across the Wider Internet

Much the same issue exists across the wider internet. Think of the average administrator who wants to find how to accomplish a task using the Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets. They’ll probably start by searching the internet to see how others did the same thing, and they’ll find many examples of old code. There’s always a big caveat about code you find on the internet: don’t trust anything until after fully testing the code. This advice still holds, but now we’re in a situation where the code that someone finds on August 20 to perform automated license assignment with PowerShell won’t work a week later.

I accept that the other cmdlets in the Azure AD and MSOL modules will continue to work after Microsoft retires the modules, but my point is still valid: examples based on soon-to-be-deprecated modules have a short shelf life.

You can’t expect blog writers to go back and revise every post with a reference to an Azure AD or MSOL cmdlet. Some might update some posts, but in general, it won’t happen. Nor should it. A blog post is a snippet of knowledge captured at a point in time rather than a definite statement about how something works that remains current. What’s different about this situation is that many posts face accelerated degeneration to a point where their content is no more than an interesting look back into the past.

Things Will Improve Over Time

Time heals many things. In this case, as time progresses and old blog posts decay, people will post new information and insights to renew the corpus of knowledge available on the internet. The Office 365 for IT Pros team is keenly aware of the issue and has generated several articles to help, including:

And of course, we’ve just released the 2023 edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook containing over 250 examples of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlets in action. In fact, we replaced every instance of using the Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets with the except of connecting to another tenant to update your guest account photo. The permissions model used by the Graph is completely different to the permissions granted when someone connects to Azure AD with Connect-AzureAD, and that’s why we had to leave that example. Over time, we hope to find a workaround and be able to remove the last vestige of Azure AD PowerShell.

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Microsoft Sets New Deprecation Schedule for Azure AD PowerShell Thu, 17 Mar 2022 01:00:00 +0000

What You Need to Do Before Azure AD and MSOL Modules Retire

Azure AD PowerShell retirement

Microsoft has recently been beating the drum about the retirement of the Azure AD PowerShell module and its older Microsoft Online Services (MSOL) counterpart. On March 3, the Azure AD team posted in the Microsoft Technical Community to say that they had listened to customer feedback and pushed the termination of support out from the end of June to the end of 2022. On September 30, Microsoft set a new retirement date for the Azure AD and MSOL modules for June 30, 2023. Things tend to happen around the end of June to align with the end of Microsoft’s financial year and allow everyone to start the new year afresh.

The salient points in message center notification MC281145 are:

  • Reaffirmation that Microsoft will not retire the Azure AD Graph API on June 30, 2022. The Azure AD Graph is the component which underpins the Azure AD and MSOL modules. It’s a Graph API built especially for Azure AD before the Microsoft Graph established its position as the common API for Microsoft 365. The Azure AD team wants to deprecate their Graph API and embrace the Microsoft Graph, which is the basic reason for the planned deprecation of the Azure AD and MSOL modules.
  • Confirmation that the subset of the cmdlets in the Azure AD and MSOL modules which deal with user licensing will stop working earlier than the rest of the other cmdlets. Quite apart from the desire to move to the Microsoft Graph, these cmdlets are affected because Microsoft is moving to a new licensing management platform. Originally, the scheduled date for the transition was June 30, 2022. Microsoft pushed the date out eight weeks to August 26, 2022 and now it’s March 31, 2023. After this date, license management cmdlets like Get-AzureADSubscribedSKU won’t work.
  • Reconfirmation that the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is the way forward.

Shifting Dates

The deprecation date for the Azure AD and MSOL modules is shifting. Originally, this was June 2022, then the end of 2022, and now it’s June 2023. Clearly, customer feedback has told Microsoft that it’s going to be difficult to update PowerShell scripts before Microsoft wants to retire these modules. ISV products which use the modules or the Azure AD Graph API must also be updated before the axe descends. See Microsoft’s FAQ for help in identifying other applications which use the Azure AD Graph API.

Update (July 29): Microsoft has pushed out the retirement of the Azure AD and MSOL license management cmdlets to 31 March 2023.

No matter which way you turn, the basic fact is that Microsoft will eventually retire the Azure AD and MSOL modules. It’s time to update scripts now, with the priority order being:

  • Scripts that manage licenses for Azure AD accounts (before August 26, 2022). This example of creating a license management report might help get you started.
  • Scripts that perform other Azure AD management operations (ideally before the end of 2022).

Microsoft Documents Its Migration Approach

To help, Microsoft has created some documentation for steps to migrate scripts. The most important statement is “There is currently no tool to automatically converts scripts in Azure AD PowerShell to Microsoft Graph PowerShell.” I doubt that any automatic script migration tool will appear. There are just too many variations in how people code with PowerShell to guarantee that a tool could handle even moderately complex scripts. The potential to create a support nightmare is one reason why I think Microsoft won’t produce a migration tool.

Which leaves us with Microsoft’s simple three-step approach to script migration:

  • Find the Microsoft Graph equivalent of your Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets from the Cmdlet map.
  • Select the Microsoft Graph cmdlet to view the reference documentation and get the new syntax for the cmdlet.
  • Update your existing scripts using the new syntax.

Testing might be a good fourth step to add. And before you start, you need to create an inventory of scripts which use Azure AD or MSOL cmdlets.

Migration Tips

At first glance, the process seems straightforward. In many cases, it is, and you won’t have huge difficulty in converting Get-AzureADUser with Get-MgUser. Microsoft notes some limitations, to which I add:

  • Don’t depend on the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK documentation for help with basic information like the format of input parameters. The documentation is machine-created and is shockingly bad in terms of its ability to guide people with real-life examples.
  • The SDK cmdlets are based on Graph API queries and often the documentation for those queries will help you understand how cmdlets work and the parameter values they expect.
  • The Graph Explorer is an excellent tool to help understand how Graph queries run and what they return.
  • Pay attention to parameters and switches. Some parameters of SDK cmdlets require a colon between the parameter and the value where an Azure AD or MSOL cmdlet does not. Some parameter and switch names change.
  • Don’t plan to run SDK scripts interactively. It will only lead to an accumulation of permissions for the service principal used by the SDK.
  • The SDK cmdlets handle pagination when necessary to retrieve all matching objects. Usually, there’s an -All parameter to help (like Get-MgGroup -All).
  • Sometimes you’ll need to use certificate-based authentication and a separate Azure AD registered to gain administrative access to data. The Teams tags report is a good example of when this technique is necessary.

We Feel Your Pain

The Office 365 for IT Pros eBook writers are busy converting script examples to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. We plan to have everything done over the next few months. On one level, it’s a pain to be forced to find and upgrade scripts. On another, it’s an opportunity to revamp scripts to make them work better. Perhaps you might even consider moving some of your long-running scripts to Azure Automation?

So much change, all the time. It’s a challenge to stay abreast of all the updates Microsoft makes across Office 365. Subscribe to the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook to receive monthly insights into what happens, why it happens, and what new features and capabilities mean for your tenant.

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Microsoft Lays Out Future for Azure AD PowerShell Module Thu, 03 Jun 2021 01:48:00 +0000

Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is the Future

For anyone who’s ever used the Azure AD or Microsoft Online Services (MSOL) PowerShell modules to write PowerShell code to automate some aspect of tenant administration, Microsoft’s June 2 announcement about their future direction for Azure AD PowerShell was big news. In a nutshell, Microsoft is focusing on the Graph APIs for identity management. As a consequence, any software which leverages the Azure AD Graph API, like the Azure AD module, is on the runway to deprecation.

Important Points for the Next Year

Last year, Microsoft announced that they would no longer support or provide security updates for the Azure AD Graph API after 30 June 2022. Now they are being more specific about what this end of support decision means for customers. The following points are important:

  • Microsoft’s future investments for identity management are focused on the Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell. This is a wrapper around the Graph APIs and is already in use for purposes like setting tenant privacy options for the Insights API.
  • The Azure AD and MSOL modules will not be supported for PowerShell 7.
  • New identity APIs will be available through the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK (Figure 1).
  • Microsoft’s investments will center on user, group, and application management, plus role-based access control (RBAC), which is important in terms of making sure that administrators don’t need all-powerful permissions to get work done. Microsoft 365 uses an increasing number of role groups to assign administrative work to different accounts.
  • Microsoft also says that they will invest in usability for the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, which is a good thing because the SDK cmdlets aren’t quite as approachable as those in other modules. The documentation is not in good shape either. See my articles covering basic Azure AD user account management and group management for details.

 Connecting to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
Figure 1: Connecting to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

Microsoft says that their goal is that “every Azure AD feature has an API in Microsoft Graph so you can administer Azure AD through the Microsoft Graph API or Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell.” They don’t say that every feature will be accessible through the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. In some cases, you’ll need to run pure Graph API calls, but that’s easily done using PowerShell (for an example, see this article on accessing Azure AD access reviews from PowerShell.

Update August 1, 2022: Microsoft has pushed out the previously announced retirement date for the license management cmdlets in the Azure AD and MSOL modules (August 26, 2022) to March 31, 2023. They have delayed the retirement of the Azure AD Graph API until the end of 2022 to give customers extra time to adjust.

It’s Different With the Graph

The net takeaway is that tenants need to review any PowerShell scripts which use the Azure AD or MSOL modules to prepare plans to upgrade scripts to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK or Graph API calls in the future. Given the number of Office 365 tenants, the pervasive use of PowerShell to automate operations, and the core position of Azure AD in those operations, it’s likely that millions of scripts will need upgrades. I know that I have a bunch of scripts to review and will discuss how the upgrade process proceeds in future articles. Already, I know it won’t be simply a case of replacing all occurrences of Azure AD cmdlets with equivalent Graph SDK calls, like replacing Get-AzureADUser with Get-MgUser. Parameters and output are likely to be different and code will need to be adjusted to cope.

While upgrading scripts is a big job, each script is a one-time activity. Interactive access is another issue. Today, it’s easy to run Connect-AzureAD to connect to Azure AD and then run whatever cmdlets you need to interrogate the directory. The equivalent actions with the SDK are:

First, you connect to the Graph and set the scope (permissions) needed to interact with Azure AD. Unless a suitable access token is available, this starts a device authentication sequence.

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code D7DPGD3WL to authenticate.

Opening a web page and inputting the code causes another dialog to appear to confirm consent for the operation (Figure 2).

App consent required to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
Figure 2: App consent required to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

After consent is granted, you can then go ahead and issue commands. For example, here’s how to fetch a list of guest accounts:

$Guests = Get-MgUser -Filter "UserType eq 'Guest'"

Like most Graph commands, the amount of data returned is constrained to 100 items, so if you want more, you need to specify the All parameter.

The bottom line is that some more up-front thought is needed (to set permissions) before connecting to the Graph SDK and that the authentication flow is not as seamless as it is when running Connect-AzureAD. No doubt this is an area where Microsoft might look at to remove some rough edges.

Time to Prepare Upgrades

Losing support for the Azure AD and MSOL modules sometime in 2022 is a concern, but we’ve seen other instances when Microsoft has extended support to allow customers extra time to get work done, and anyway, losing support doesn’t mean that code will suddenly stop working. Scripts will continue to run. You just won’t be able to ask Microsoft to fix bugs.

One thing you can guarantee in the cloud is that change happens. This is just another example of how that change occurs.

The Office 365 for IT Pros team will document our learning with upgrading PowerShell scripts from the Azure AD module to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK in the months ago. It should be fun… Subscribe now to make sure that you stay abreast of developments.

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