Org-wide Team – Office 365 for IT Pros Mastering Office 365 and Microsoft 365 Tue, 05 Sep 2023 18:44:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Org-wide Team – Office 365 for IT Pros 32 32 150103932 Adding New Azure AD Users to Groups Automatically Mon, 05 Dec 2022 01:00:00 +0000

Dynamic Group Membership is the Obvious But Not the Only Option

A member of the Microsoft Technical Community asks if it’s possible to automatically add newly-created accounts to an existing group. The initial response offered by the community focused on dynamic groups – either dynamic distribution lists or dynamic Azure AD groups.

It’s a reasonable suggestion. Dynamic distribution groups are part of base Exchange Online functionality and don’t require any additional licenses. Dynamic Azure AD groups require Azure AD Premium P1 licenses for every account covered by dynamic membership. In both cases, the trick is to make sure that the query used by Exchange Online or Azure AD to determine group membership finds the new account.

Dynamic Group Membership for Exchange Online Mailboxes

It’s possible to create a dynamic distribution group based on a simple query like “all mailboxes” that will automatically include new accounts (if they have mailboxes). Figure 1 shows the UX in the Exchange admin center (EAC) to define the membership of a new dynamic distribution list.

Figure 1: Dynamic membership settings for all mailboxes

The list works and email sent to it arrives in the inbox of every mailbox in the tenant, including shared mailboxes. This is because the recipient filter generated by Exchange Online for the dynamic distribution group selects all mail-enabled objects with a recipient type of ‘UserMailbox’ and only filters out some system mailboxes.

A dynamic distribution list like this is said to use a “canned” recipient filter because Exchange Online generates the filter based on the choices the administrator makes when they create the new list. You can only edit canned filters through the EAC. Exchange Online gives greater flexibility through the support of custom recipient filters. These filters can only be created using PowerShell, but they’re much more flexible in terms of selecting the set of mail-enabled objects to address through the list. A simple custom recipient filter to find just user mailboxes is shown below together with a test with the Get-Recipient cmdlet to prove that the filter works.

$Filter = "{RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'}"
Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter $Filter

Dynamic Group Membership for Azure AD User Accounts

Dynamic Azure AD groups can be used with Microsoft 365 groups and Teams. These groups use different membership filters (query rules) to find the set of target objects. Instead of mail-enabled objects like mailboxes, the query against Azure AD focuses on user accounts rather than mailboxes. However, the same capability exists in that it’s possible to create a dynamic Azure AD group that includes all user accounts, including those newly created.

Again, the key is to construct a query rule that finds all user accounts – of the right type. When Azure AD is used for a Microsoft 365 tenant, there are many non-interactive user accounts created to give identities to objects such as shared mailboxes and room mailboxes. These are all considered “member” accounts and it’s easy to build a rule to find all member accounts. However, you probably want a more refined version that finds just the accounts used by humans.

Azure AD doesn’t have a human filter, so we need to construct something that Azure AD can use to find matching accounts in its directory. One approach is to use licenses for the check. You could look for accounts assigned Office 365 E3 licenses but would have to check for accounts with F1 or E5 licenses too. An easy change is to look for accounts that have any license that has at least one enabled service. For instance, accounts with Office 365 E3 or E5 licenses with the Exchange Online, Teams, Planner, or SharePoint Online service would all match. Figure 2 shows a test of the rule against a “real” user account and some other user accounts belonging to room and shared mailboxes. You can see that the real account passes the validation test while the others do not.

Testing the membership rule for a dynamic Azure AD group to find all user accounts
Figure 2: Testing the membership rule for a dynamic Azure AD group to find all user accounts

Azure AD accounts used by shared mailboxes must be assigned licenses when they need more than 50 GB of mailbox storage or an online archive. These accounts satisfy the membership rule, but that’s perhaps not important. If it is, some tweaking of the membership rule is necessary to remove the shared mailbox accounts.

Dynamic Group Membership of Org-Wide Teams

If your organization is smaller than 10,000 accounts, new Azure AD accounts automatically join the org-wide teams in the tenant (a tenant can support up to five org-wide teams). Org-wide teams are a special form of dynamic Microsoft 365 group whose membership is controlled by Teams rather than Azure AD, so Azure AD Premium P1 license are not required.

The PowerShell Alternative to Manage Dynamic Group Membership

If you don’t want to use a dynamic object, it’s certainly possible to use standard distribution lists or Microsoft 35 groups. In this scenario, the tenant takes the responsibility for maintaining group membership. Usually, PowerShell is used to add new accounts to group membership. You don’t have to worry about removing deleted accounts from the group as this happens automatically following an account deletion.

To add a new user to a distribution list, use the Add-DistributionGroupMember cmdlet:

Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "All Tenant Mailboxes" -Member

To add a new user account to a Microsoft 365 group, either run the Add-UnifiedGroupLinks cmdlet (from the Exchange Online management module) or the New-MgGroupMember cmdlet (from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK):

Add-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity "All Tenant Accounts" -LinkType Member -Links

New-MgGroupMember -GroupId "107fe4dd-809c-4ec9-a3a1-ab88c96e0a5e" -DirectoryObjectId (Get-MgUser -UserId

If the tenant creates user accounts programmatically with PowerShell, these commands can be added to that script. If not, a background scheduled job could find accounts that don’t exist in group membership and add them. See this article for more information about group management with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

Many Possibilities to Ponder

A simple question required a long answer. That’s because the questioner didn’t specify what type of group that they wanted to add new accounts to. In any case, it’s nice to be able to debate the possibilities and then settle on the best course of action to take.

Insight about the various options to manage dynamic group membership for new accounts doesn’t come easily. You’ve got to know the technology and understand how to look behind the scenes. Benefit from the knowledge and experience of the Office 365 for IT Pros team by subscribing to the best eBook covering Office 365 and the wider Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

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Org-Wide Teams Don’t Need Azure AD P1 Licenses Wed, 17 Oct 2018 08:09:20 +0000

No Dynamic Queries Here

After we published the note about the new org-wide team feature in Microsoft Teams, a reader asked “I assume org-wide teams use dynamic groups, so do I need to buy Azure Active Directory Premium P1 licenses?

It’s a good question. The answer is “No.” Teams has its own background process that’s responsible for checking the membership of org-wide teams and making whatever adjustments are necessary (mostly to add new employees). The membership does not use a dynamic query against Azure Active Directory, which is what dynamic Office 365 Groups (and Teams – soon) use to calculate their membership. In fact, if you go to the Azure Active Directory portal and check the properties of the Office 365 group for an org-wide team, you’ll see that the membership type is “assigned” rather than “dynamic.” In other words, a process or user is responsible for updating the membership instead of Azure Active Directory.

An org-wide team has assigned membership

No Licenses Needed

Because Org-wide teams don’t use dynamic groups, you do not need to buy Azure Active Directory Premium P1 licenses for every account in a org-wide team.

When you think about it, the approach taken by Teams is practical and pragmatic. While some of the members added to org-wide teams are just crazy (no one ever logs into the account used by a shared mailbox, so why add them to org-wide teams?), you can’t argue against implementing a mechanism that avoids the need for extra licenses. Office 365 tenants are already exposed enough to demands for P1 licenses for features that really should be part of basic functionality without adding more fuel to the fire.

An org-wide team can span up to 5,000 members (10,000 from November 2020). Imagine the furor if implementing such a team brought a bill for $30,000 monthly ($6/month per user). $360,000/year is a big price to pay for a 5,000-member org-wide team. It might result in some interesting and blunt exchanges with Microsoft.

In any case, you don’t need any extra licenses to use org-wide teams. That’s a good thing.

Chapter 13 of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is where to find added information about all aspects of Teams. Unless you want to talk about PowerShell and Teams, which is in Chapter 14, or Teams meetings, which are in Chapter 16.

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How to Create Org-Wide Teams in Microsoft Teams Wed, 10 Oct 2018 08:30:42 +0000

Creating Org-wide Team to Communicate with Everyone in Small Organizations

In the latest update distributed to Microsoft 365 tenants, Microsoft includes the ability to create org-wide teams, but only if your tenant has fewer than 10,000 user accounts (see below). If your tenant is under the threshold, you can create up to five org-wide teams.

Company-wide Communications

An org-wide team is designed to facilitate tenant-wide communications for small to medium companies without the need for an administrator or team owner to manually add all the employees to the team membership, including the need to check for new employees and add them periodically. As we explain in the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook, the process of creating a team and populating its membership with PowerShell is not difficult, but some work needs to be done to maintain the membership afterwards.

To create an org-wide team, choose Join or create a team as usual, opt to create a team from scratch, and then choose org-wide from the type of teams available (Figure 1). The choice only appears to global tenant administrators.

Creating a new org-wide team in Microsoft Teams
Figure 1: Creating a new org-wide team

Automatically-Generated Membership

When you create an org-wide team, Teams adds all the global admins as team owners. It then adds all “active users” as members. The theory is that accounts that don’t have Office 365, Microsoft 365, or Teams licenses are excluded, as are guest users, and in the past it was certainly true that some odd accounts turned up in org-wide teams, including:

  • Shared mailboxes.
  • Room and resource mailboxes.
  • Service accounts (if they have an Microsoft 365 license).
  • Mailboxes used for purposes such as DLP incident reports. These accounts might be licensed, but they shouldn’t really feature in a team.
  • Accounts that have a suitable license (like Office 365 E3) but where the Teams service plan is disabled.

Although Microsoft has now fixed the underlying bugs which caused these accounts to be included in org-wide teams, it is still good practice to check the membership after the team is created and remove any account that doesn’t belong. And like for any team with a large membership, consider updating team settings to stop members posting in the General channel, adding channels, or even using @team mentions (because they generate notifications for everyone in the team).

Org-wide teams are indicated by the presence of the Org-wide tag. In addition, as you can see in Figure 2, the Manage team option displays a banner to inform users that the membership of the team is automatically adjusted in line with changes made to Entra ID.

Membership of an org-wide team
Figure 2: Membership of an org-wide team

On an ongoing basis, employees leave and join the company and people lose or gain Teams licenses. When someone leaves the company and their Entra ID account is removed, their membership of the team is also removed. To handle new joiners and people who gain or lose Teams licenses, a background process scans the accounts in the tenant periodically (expect weekly) and adds or removes the user as required. Unlike normal teams, members can’t choose to leave an org-wide team.

But I Already Have an Org-Wide Team

If you already created and use an all-employees team without benefit of Microsoft’s new feature, a tenant administrator can convert the team into an org-wide team and gain benefit of the automatic membership management. To do this, select the team you want to convert and then use the Edit team feature to change the privacy setting to org-wide. When you save the setting, Teams updates the membership with all valid accounts. Any users not included in the automatic membership remain in place, including guest users. You can also change an org-wide team to be a private or public team using the same approach, and in this case, the existing membership stays in place but the automatic background refresh of membership is disabled.

Alternatives to Creating Org-Wide Teams

Larger tenants who have more accounts than the maximum limit for org-wide team membership can consider:

  • Using dynamic Teams to support discussions for different parts of the organization. For example, you might have a team for each department or each country. Dynamic teams are based on dynamic Microsoft 365 groups.
  • Using Viva Engage communities for company-wide communications and collaboration. Viva Engage can easily scale up to handle very large organizations with hundreds of thousands of users.

Remember, a regular team can support up to 25,000 members, so you can always use PowerShell to generate and manage a regular team which effectively serves as an org-wide team.

P.S. The formal documentation for org-wide teams is online. But the book tells you what really happens…

We have over 200 pages of content about Teams in the Office 365 for IT Pros ebook. Shouldn’t you be staying updated with developments about Teams and the rest of Office 365? Subscribe today!

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