Twenty One Chapters Updated in Monthly Refresh

The Office 365 for IT Pros team is delighted to announce that the sixth update for the 2021 edition is now available. Updated files have been uploaded to for subscribers of the EPUB/PDF version to download. We have not updated the companion volume, so you only need to download the main book. Please use the link in your Gumroad account or the receipt you received for the book to download the latest files. See our FAQ for more information.
Chapter Changes
Although Microsoft stopped pushing updates out into Office 365 in the middle of December, we still updated 21 of 24 chapters this month. Details of the changes are shown below (details for all updates are available in our change log):
Chapter | Change |
1 | SharePoint Online now has 200 million monthly active users. |
2 | Added short section on DR and BC planning for the cloud. |
3 | Minor updates to clarify licensing requirements for several features. |
4 | Skype for Business connector is retiring on 15 Feb 2021. Skype admin center deprecated. Added initial coverage of data-at-rest encryption and Customer Key. Updated section on Productivity Score. |
5 | Added section about updating user photos for mailboxes (and by extension, to other Office 365 apps). A new option allows Outlook desktop to create Teams online meetings by default. |
7 | Many small updates to sections. The most important change is that Exchange Online supports only TLS 1.2 connections from January 11, 2021. |
8 | External sharing capability for a site can be set via a sensitivity label. Microsoft search can recommend bookmarks for publication. New section about sharing for Microsoft Lists. |
9 | Yammer support for guest user access is in preview. |
10 | Dynamic Azure AD groups are limited to 5,000 per tenant. |
11 | Rewrote section on Meet Now after Microsoft released this capability for mobile clients. Added information about how to edit the deeplink used for Live events. Description added of pre-release channels for Teams. Meeting polls are available for personal Teams meetings. Microsoft has released a public gallery for Teams background images. Teams channel calendar app will roll out in January 2021. |
12 | Teams can now be archived through the Teams admin center. Rewrote opening section about creating Teams. Microsoft is tweaking the set of MAPI properties captured in Teams compliance records. |
13 | Made the point that Set-UserPhoto can update a picture for a team (Set-TeamPicture can too, but its use is limited to team owners). Updated description about the Teams PowerShell module. The Skype for Business Online connector is retired effective 15 February 2021. Rewrote section about using the Graph to process Groups and Teams data. |
14 | Updates on collaboration bar and collaborative calling. |
15 | Planner will generate compliance records for task creation and edits from January 2021. |
16 | Quota assigned to Stream classic is not transferred to SharePoint Online when the transition to the new Stream happens. |
17 | Minor typo fixes |
18 | Added mention of Teams Public Preview program and channels; minor corrections. |
19 | Minor corrections to Records management section. |
20 | Added note about including variations of personal identifiers as conditions for content searches. Advanced eDiscovery exports can decrypt protected documents stored in SharePoint and OneDrive. |
22 | New country-specific sensitive data types introduced for DLP policies. |
24 | The container management settings for sensitivity labels can now control external sharing capabilities for SharePoint Online sites. Microsoft has fixed the bug which caused documents with sensitivity labels to become inaccessible when moved or copied between sites. |
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