Office 365 Exposed Episode 19 and the 2021 Edition of Office 365 for IT Pros

All About the 2021 Edition of Office 365 for IT Pros

As readers know, the Office 365 for IT Pros team is busy creating the seventh (2021) edition of the book with the goal of releasing it on July 1, 2020.

Today, Paul Robichaux, Tony Redmond, and Vasil Michev gathered for a special episode of the Office 365 Exposed podcast to discuss the process of moving from one edition to the next. We talked about:

  • Why we use a subscription model and why we create a new version annually (and the great offer we’ll make to existing subscribers for the 2021 edition).
  • Other books that use the same model, like the new Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros eBook that’s being led by Michael Van Horenbeeck, one of the original writers for Office 365 for IT Pros and Office 365 Best Recipes for Developers by Gustavo Velez, from our current team.
  • The review process we use and why a good technical editor is so important to the overall quality of the book.
  • How we updated the sixth (2020 edition) over the last twelve months.
  • The tools we use to stay aware of changes in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.
  • The problems we have with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and why KDP isn’t set up to handle large technical books.

We finished up by selecting some recent developments inside Office 365 that had taken our interest.

You can listen to the podcast here or download it through your normal podcast aggregator.

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