Please Download and Use the 96th Monthly Office 365 for IT Pros Update Now

We’ve just updated the EPUB and PDF files for the 96th monthly update of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. Subscribers who bought their copy through can download the updated files from their Gumroad account or by using the link in the receipt they received after buying the book. Amazon Kindle subscribers will have to ask Amazon support to make the updated files available to you. See our FAQ for more information.
This is the last update we will issue for the 2023 edition of Office 365 for IT Pros. Our annual cycle restarts on July 1 when we plan to publish the 2024 edition (our 10th edition since the original appeared in 2015).
When we release the 2024 edition, we will make it available to current subscribers for a much reduced price. Our costs have risen during the last year (notably by Gumroad raising the percentage they take to 10%, plus increases in credit card and PayPal processing fees), but I believe that we’ll be close to the $14.95 we charged subscribers to renew for the 2023 edition last July. We believe that this isn’t a lot to charge for what’s essentially seven books in one:
- Azure AD.
- Exchange Online.
- SharePoint Online.
- Teams.
- Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle management.
- Information Protection
- Using PowerShell and the Microsoft Graph for Automation.
Plus Teams devices, Intune, DLP, clients, Planner, auditing, an overview of Office 365, and many other details. There’s lots to learn from in Office 365 for IT Pros.
Fit and Finish Updates
Update #96 is a fit-and-finish release. Over the past year, we have made hundreds of changes across the 23 content chapters. At the same time, Microsoft has changed many details, including web site links. During the end-to-end technical review of the 2023 edition in preparation for the 2024 edition, we found a few errors in PowerShell examples, 404 errors because hyperlinks are now incorrect, and changes in UI caused by Microsoft refreshes, rebranding, or new clients. Correcting these kind of problems to make sure that the 2023 edition is in good shape when we finish with it has been the focus for our work on update #96. Some new content is included in different chapters, but not as much as we would add in other months. For more information, see our change log.
We did not update the companion volume. In fact, we’re considering dropping the companion volume (and making it free to people who want to download it) because much of the material in that book is now quite old and is not our focus for future work.
On to Update 97
If all goes well during the coming month, update #97 will be the July 1 release of Office 365 for IT Pros (2024 edition). All the chapter authors are busy reviewing their material to strengthen the coverage we offer by including new material and pruning stuff that’s less important. It’s an exciting time of the year for the author team because we get the chance to make big changes that we mightn’t do in the middle of an edition, like restructuring a chapter. We also get to deal with the many questions, queries, and comments made by Vasil Michev as he goes through chapters with a fine tooth comb.
We hope that our 2023 subscribers like Update #96 and that you’ll stay with us during the journey through the 2024 edition from next July. Stay tuned for further information.
Learn how to exploit the data available to Microsoft 365 tenant administrators through the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. We love figuring out how things work.