Table of Contents
Update #84 is the Last for the 2022 Edition

The Office 365 for IT Pros team is delighted to announce that the June 2022 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros (2022 edition) eBook is now available for subscribers to download. This is update #84 in the series going back to May 2015 and it is the last update we will issue for the 2022 edition.
Details of changes in the June 2022 update of Office 365 for IT Pros are available in our changelog. In some respects, we’re in the quiet before the storm period as a lower volume of change normally happens in Office 365 during the month of May. The storm breaks in June as Microsoft engineering groups rush to ship features and updates before the end of the Microsoft fiscal year on June 30. We’ll see if the trend continues in June 2022.
Subscribers to the EPUB/PDF version of Office 365 for IT Pros should use the link in their original receipt or go to their account to download the latest files. Version information is available on the inside front cover and on all page footers. For more information about downloading updates, please refer to our FAQ.
We did not update the companion volume this month.
We have updated the Kindle version on Amazon. You’ll have to ask Amazon for updates if you bought this version. Our continuing negative experiences with Amazon make us wonder if it’s worthwhile continuing with a Kindle version as it’s easy to move the EPUB version of the book to a Kindle. If you have an opinion, please share it in the comments.
2023 Edition Coming
As is our norm, July 1 will see the publication of a new edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. The chapter authors and technical editor are busy doing an end-to-end review of the book to remove old content and introduce new material. We conduct a similar review every year to create a new baseline for the book. The volume of change in Office 365 and the wider Microsoft 365 ecosystem is staggering and ranges from rebranding (like Microsoft Purview and Microsoft Entra) to fundamental shifts in technology.
As an example, because of the major change coming in Azure AD PowerShell, we are replacing every PowerShell example using the Azure AD and MSOL modules with either Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlets or Graph API commands. The work involves well over 400 examples, some of which won’t be done by July 1 because Microsoft has not yet made replacement cmdlets available or we haven’t found a simple Graph answer. However, there will be relatively few examples left for us to deal with in monthly updates after July. With an eye on Microsoft’s introduction of a new license management platform on August 26, we’ve completed all the license management examples.
Existing Subscribers and Updates
When we release the 2023 edition, we will send emails to current subscribers to allow them to extend their subscriptions to cover the new edition at a low cost. We deeply appreciate the ongoing support from subscribers. Over 81% of the subscribers for the 2021 edition signed on to extend their subscription for the 2022 edition, and we hope to earn the same trust and backing for the 2023 edition. Remember, the earlier you renew your subscription, the lower the price.
As is our norm, we have reduced the price of the 2022 edition to $39.95 for the month of June. This reflects the fact that we are finished with this edition, it’s become more like a “normal” book now, and the 2023 edition will replace it soon.
Back to Writing
We still have lots of work to do to prepare for the 2023 edition, so I shall stop now and go back and concentrate on that task. Happy downloads!
I’ve been reading you for more than a year now and I never told you but a big thank you for what you do! It helps me a lot and your book has become indispensable for me, good continuation !
Thanks. We appreciate all the feedback we get.
Indeed a big thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this ebook. I can’t imagine another way to keep up with all the changes. A subscription extension for 2023 is a go.
Maybe this is a good time to change the book title to Microsoft 365 and add relevant contents into the book
We have a bunch of Microsoft 365 content. Azure AD, Information Governance, Information Protection, Compliance, Data Loss Prevention… all Microsoft 365.
The point is that the core is the Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Teams workloads… and they’re Office 365 (Teams taking over from Lync/Skype)