Office 365 for IT Pros January 2022 Update Now Available

The Tide of Change Within the Microsoft 365 Ecosystem Keeps Advancing

Happy New Year!

Despite the traditional slowing of Microsoft 365 development activity during the holiday period, the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook team found many places to update the book and are happy to announce that the January 2022 update is now available. The change log contains details of chapter-by-chapter changes.

Subscribers to the 2022 edition can download the updated PDF and EPUB files from their account or by using the download link in the receipt they received on purchase. See our FAQ for further information about downloading updates. We also updated the book on Amazon, but readers of that version must contact Amazon support to obtain access to the new file.

Seventy-Nine Updates

This is the 79th monthly update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook, spread across multiple editions since the original release in May 2015. We update the book text to keep it current and accurate to match what tenants experience inside Microsoft 365. Remember that the text reflects a tenant configured in targeted release mode and we do cover some preview features. However, everything you read should be available to a tenant with the appropriate licenses (a complex subject in its own right!).

As we keep on saying, although maintaining a monthly update cycle is tough going sometimes, it’s the only way to keep on top of what happens across the spectrum of the Office 365 apps and the surrounding Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Being always up to date is our unique selling point.

Please download and update the new files at your convenience and have a wonderful 2022.

4 Replies to “Office 365 for IT Pros January 2022 Update Now Available”

  1. I agree, if you’re sending a reminder about an update, a link to the update would make life a lot easier.

    1. @Chris, the link in the receipt emailed to you will always fetch the latest files. The link is different for everyone (the PDFs are stamped with your email address), so we can’t include a general link in our communications.

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