Change Continues Throughout the Microsoft 365 Ecosystem
The Office 365 for IT Pros Team is delighted to announce the availability of the December 2021 update for Office 365 for IT Pros, 2022 edition. The updated files are available for download from Subscribers can use either the link in the receipt emailed to them when they bought the book or download from their Gumroad account. See our FAQ for more information about obtaining updates. We’ve also updated the Amazon Kindle version, but buyers of that version need to ask Amazon support to release the update to them.
The change log contains the full list of changes made for the 2022 edition. Suffice to say that even with the holiday shut down in the U.S., enough updates and new functionality appeared in our Office 365 tenants to keep us occupied in testing and documenting.

Microsoft Loop is probably the big new feature for the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. We don’t have the full-blown Microsoft Loop application yet, but Loop components are now generally available for Teams chat. We’ll keep a close eye on how Loop components spread into other parts of the ecosystem, with OWA and Teams channel conversations expected next.
Like every month, there’s a bunch of small changes scattered throughout the chapters. The devil in discussing anything technical to do with Office 365 truly lies in the detail, and it’s only by plugging away to keep on top of things and updating month after month that we have any change of keeping on top of things. This is the reason why we urge subscribers to download the updates as new files become available.
We have not updated the companion volume this month.
Enjoy the December update!