MEC and TEC in Two Weeks

Over the next two weeks, I’ll attend and present at the Microsoft Exchange Conference and The Experts Conference (MEC and TEC). It should be fun! It’s nice to see conferences gradually returning to normal. I prefer in-person events and am looking forward to TEC in Atlanta on September 20-21. Before then, there’s the small matter of presenting two sessions at MEC 2022.

How to Access the TEC 2021 Session Videos

You can now access videos and slides for sessions given at The Experts Conference 2021. The sessions cover a wide range of technology from Azure AD to Microsoft 365 to infrastructure modernization. And you can now register for TEC 2022, which will run as an in-person event in Atlanta on September 20-21, 2022. It should be great fun!

Quadrotech and Quest Combine

Quest has acquired Quadrotech to add to their portfolio of Office 365 applications designed to help organizations get date into the cloud and manage it when it’s there. Recent Quest acquisitions of Metalogix, Binary Tree, and now Quadrotech give it a bunch of technology, notably in the area of tenant-to-tenant migrations.

Busy Office 365 Conference Line-up for 2020

Every year brings the opportunity to attend or present at Office 365 conferences. A pretty good lineup has developed for 2020 and I’m looking forward to making the rounds to learn more about Office 365 in places like New Orleans to Las Vegas to Oslo and Amsterdam.

The Return of The Experts Conference (TEC)

A couple of weeks ago, I had the enjoyable experience of going to Charleston SC to present at the relaunched The Experts Conference (TEC). Niche Office 365 conferences seem to be quite the current trend and TEC is an excellent example of how small focused conferences are good to attend. You should consider it in 2021, which is the next time that TEC comes around.

Great Little Technology Conferences (for Office 365)

Over the next few months, Tony will speak at a number of small but intense technology conferences. The nice things about these conferences is that attendees and speakers mingle much more than they do at the uber-conferences. If you feel like coming along to The Experts Conference, ShiftHappens, the European Collaboration Summit, or Experts Live Norway, you can learn more about Office 365 and associated technologies without going through the wildness that Ignite can be at times.