The Office 365 for IT Pros team will be at the European Collaboration Summit (ECS) in Dusseldorf. Come to listen to Tony talk about sensitivity labels on Tuesday or Paul discuss tenant to tenant migration on Wednesday. ECS is a great community-led event that’s well worth attending if you find yourself in Europe and have the ability to travel to Germany. Don’t forget your mask!
Every year brings the opportunity to attend or present at Office 365 conferences. A pretty good lineup has developed for 2020 and I’m looking forward to making the rounds to learn more about Office 365 in places like New Orleans to Las Vegas to Oslo and Amsterdam.
Over the next few months, Tony will speak at a number of small but intense technology conferences. The nice things about these conferences is that attendees and speakers mingle much more than they do at the uber-conferences. If you feel like coming along to The Experts Conference, ShiftHappens, the European Collaboration Summit, or Experts Live Norway, you can learn more about Office 365 and associated technologies without going through the wildness that Ignite can be at times.
Tickets for the European Collaboration Summit 2019 are now on sale at EUR160. That’s a great price for a 3-day conference. The 2018 event was good, but the agenda needs to be rebalanced to reflect more of Office 365.