We’re going to tape an episode of the Office 365 Exposed podcast at 20:00 UTC on April 2 and everyone can join the Teams meeting we’re using to tape the podcast. There’s lots to talk about, including Microsoft’s decision to make Ignite 2019 virtual.
Tony and Paul taped episode 17 of the Office 365 Exposed podcast at the Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference with guests Mark Kashman and Ross Smith IV of Microsoft. Topics discussed included SharePoint’s success at reaching 100 million monthly active users, Project Cortex, and Intune.
Paul Robichaux and Tony Redmond recorded episode 17 of their Office 365 Exposed podcast on October 23. It covers recent Office 365 news and an interview with Anna Chu of Microsoft. Anna is deeply involved in the organization of the Microsoft Ignite conference and we chatted about how sessions are selected and other topics.
The Office 365 for IT Pros author team is busy packing for the Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference in November. We’ll deliver sessions, tape podcasts, and staff booths, and come back with a ton of new information that we will incorporate into the December update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook.
Office 365 Exposed is a not-very-regular podcast covering topics loosely related to Office 365 that we think should be talked about. In episode 15, we discuss the Office 365 for IT Pros book, the MVP program, the deprecation of Search-Mailbox, and the nature of likes in Teams and email among other topics.
Last week, we taped episode 14 of the Office 365 Exposed podcast in Building 27 of Microsoft’s HQ in Redmond. Topics covered include battling attacks on Exchange, the need to upgrade old Exchange versions, Teams announcements at Enterprise Connect, and how the base Office 365 workloads handle retention storage. We think it’s an interesting episode. Get it from iTunes now!
After a brief hiatus, the recording for episode 13 of the Office 365 Exposed podcast is now available. We think it includes some interesting topics and the arguments aren’t too heated. See what you think and let us know in the comments.
A collection of news snippets loosely connected to different bits of Office 365 that really don’t justify a separate article. But the factoids are interesting all the same…
Paul Robichaux and Tony Redmond took the chance to tape an episode of Office 365 Exposed at the Ignite 2018 conference. After uploading the video to Stream, it was interesting to see what Stream’s intelligent voice recognition technology made of the soundtrack when it came to creating an automatic transcript.