Things You Might Know About Microsoft Teams That Might Be Useful Some Day

Another Day, Another Presentation at Microsoft Ignite 2019

On stage to discuss Microsoft Teams
Figure 1: On stage in the Chaplin Theater to discuss Microsoft Teams

Switching gears from new Exchange PowerShell cmdlets, I had the chance to speak in the 3,500-seat Chapin Theater at the Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference. My topic covered some of the lesser-known topics related to Teams like “Can I backup Teams?” and “Why do message blocked by DLP appear and then disappear?”

I had a lot of fun putting the deck together over the last few months. The point of the session was to inform people while having some laughs. Basically I’d ask a question, reveal the answer, and discuss why things work the way that they do, taking every opportunity to poke fun at myself, people in the audience, Microsoft, or other suitable targets.

Many of the topics covered in the presentation were uncovered through work on the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. Indeed, the answers to all the questions posed can be found spread across the chapters in the book, if only you knew where to look.

Recording and Copy of Deck

The recording of the session is available online. You can grab a PDF of the slides below.


Thanks to those who attended who submitted feedback for the session, which is taken very seriously by both me and the conference organizers. I enjoyed reading the comments (you can always learn something). Anna Chu, who’s a member of the Microsoft organizing team for the conference, created a Word Cloud of the comments (Figure 2). It’s nice to know that people liked the talk.

Word cloud of feedback from Ignite 2019 session
Figure 2: Word cloud of feedback from Ignite 2019 session

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