Office 365 Data Governance in Oslo

Successful Experts Live (Norway) Event

The blog has been relatively quiet this week because I’ve been traveling to Germany and Norway to speak at the European Collaboration Summit (Wiesbaden) and Experts Live Norway (Oslo). I discussed if Teams will replace Email at ECS (you can grab a copy of the presentation here) before making a rapid departure for the airport.

Experts Live events are community run at either country or European level. In this case, Ståle Hansen, who writes Chapter 16 about Teams Meetings and Voice in the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook, asked me to come to Oslo to speak at the Norwegian event.

Experts Live Norway was very successful and a good example of how professional and interesting a national-level community event can be. The agenda included a good mixture of sessions covering topics like Azure, programming with the Graph API, Teams, and Office 365. Speakers were a mixture of Microsoft employees, MVPs, and subject matter experts. Most sessions were in English.

All About Office 365 Data Governance (in very little time)

I spoke about Office 365 Data Governance (you can download a PDF of the presentation below) and naturally didn’t manage to fit everything I wanted to say into the allotted time. Such is life. I’ve just got to try and stop telling stories and asking questions…

Trying to make a Data Governance point at Experts Live Norway

If, like me, you haven’t been to Oslo in a while, the city is very modern and vibrant. The number of electric cars is very noticeable with lots of Teslas and BMW i3s and an occasional Jaguar i-Pace. All in all, an enjoyable event.

Need help understanding Office 365 data governance and compliance technologies? Look no further than the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook, where we devote several chapters to unraveling these mysteries.

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