Office 365 changes all the time, which is good because it keeps the Office 365 for IT Pros writing team busy and happy. Discussions this week included Microsoft’s response to a Dutch DPIA, the effect large Teams have on Yammer, how Exchange Online validated a fix to a security problem, and graphics to help understand the components of the Microsoft 365 E3 and E5 plans.
Delve has options to export user information that seem to have been added to help Office 365 tenants comply with Article 15 of GDPR. Unhappily, the export is rudimentary and the JSON information will be impenetrable to normal human beings.
Following a Dutch report saying that Office 365 might violate GDPR, some thoughts about how to restrict some of the flows of information from an Office 365 tenant to Microsoft.
Content Searches Find Teams Compliance Items When someone leaves your company, you might need to preserve their Office 365 data. The steps needed to preserve user information stored in Email, OneDrive, and SharePoint are straightforward, but what about the messages the employee sent using Teams? As it turns out, an Office 365 content search or …
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Microsoft thoughtfully provided Office 365 tenants with a Data Loss Prevention template for GDPR personal data. The only problem is that the rules in the template were too sensitive and started to block email.