Want to Write About Technology

Writing in an Age of Change

On Monday, September 24, I spoke at Ignite to deliver a 20-minute theater session titled “
THR1044 – How to be an author and write about technology.” During the session, I was joined by Mary-Jo Foley, who writes the AllAboutMicrosoft.com blog. We reflected on how writing about technology has changed over the last few years as software moved into the cloud and the number of voices commenting on technology increased. We also offered some thoughts on how to start writing about technology, how to find your own voice and not duplicate what others have said, and even how to approach writing a book.

Anyone can write a blog. Six hundred words is the average for a post and that doesn’t take too long. Anyone can write a book too. It’s just a longer process, but “a page a day keeps the editor happy.” Finding the right topic is probably the hardest challenge, especially in a world where technology changes all the time.

Microsoft has posted a recording of the session online. Enjoy it at your leisure.

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